Actor Ajay Devgn, who won hearts with his recent release, Drishyam 2, was seen making a splashing appearance with his daughter Nysa Devgan earlier today. The father-daughter duo was seen exiting the Mumbai airport in style. Ajay and Kajol’s daughter Nysa is one of the most followed star kids on social media. Every time she steps out in the city or goes out on a vacation with friends, her pictures and videos go viral on the Internet. Today, the paparazzi clicked captured her with her daddy cool.
Ajay Devgn and Nysa Devgan clicked in the city
In the video, Ajay is seen sporting a black t-shirt with denim jeans. He completed his look with cool sunnies and on-point swag. On the other hand, Nysa, who is a true-blue fashionista, was seen wearing a body-hugging top and straight-fit jeans. She wrapped up her look with white sneakers. The father-daughter duo was seen enjoying a conversation and smiling as they walked towards their car. Have a look:
Soon after the video was shared on social media, netizens were seen reacting to it. A user wrote, “Puri Kajol Material Hai Ye.” Others were seen calling her Ajay’s carbon copy. The comment read, “2 Ajay Devgan in same frame.”
Meanwhile, Nysa is often seen making headlines for her starry appearances. She is seen partying with Janhvi Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor, Suhana Khan and other B-town star kids. During the shooting of Bawaal in Europe, Nysa was seen visiting Janhvi and Varun Dhawan on the sets. In an earlier interview, Ajay talked about Nysa’s plans of entering showbiz. He said that he doesn’t know if she wants to join the acting line and as of now, she hasn’t shown any interest.
Work front
Ajay is awaiting the release of Bholaa. The teaser was released recently and it has left netizens mighty impressed. The film also stars Tabu, Deepak Dobriyal, Sanjay Mishra, Vineet Kumar and Gajraj Rao. It is slated to release on March 30. He also has Maidaan and Sigham 3 in the pipeline.
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