2023 is all set to bring some fresh pairings on the big screen. The B-town pairing that we are most excited about is of Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan for their upcoming film Bawaal. The actors have been shooting for the project over the past year. It was in August 2022 that Varun and Janhvi wrapped the film’s last schedule in Poland. Back then, the makers had shared a fun video with the caption, “Humne macha diya hain har jaga BAWAAL! Wrapping up the film in Ajju Bhaiyya Style! Agla Bawaal hoga theatres mein 7 April 2023 ko.” While the film was earlier scheduled to release on 7th April 2023, looks like fans will have to wait a little bit longer to watch Varun and Janhvi on-screen as the release date has now been postponed.
Bawaal starring Janhvi Kapoor-Varun Dhawan pushed to a later release date
Pinkvilla has learnt that Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment’s ‘Bawaal’, directed by Nitesh Tiwari, has been pushed to a later release date owing to VFX and technical requirements. The film starring Janhvi and Varun has been shot using special technology in Poland and is ambitious in its onscreen presentation. The makers are keen on achieving visual finesse, which will require more time than they anticipated.
Says Nitesh Tiwari, “The visual finesse we want to achieve on these sequences will need more time than we expected. We don’t want to cut short at anything because our purpose is to bring nothing but the best version of our vision to our viewers.”
About Bawaal
Bawaal has been shot in various interesting locations such as Paris, Berlin, Poland, Amsterdam, Krakow, and Warsaw along with a brief portion in India as well. Last year, as the team geared up to shoot in Warsaw, a source informed us, “It’s a very unique love story and now we are gearing up for a huge action sequence in Warsaw. We have called for action directors & stuntmen from Germany along with a talented crew of 700+ members every day, Nitesh Sir and Sajid Sir have scaled up the film to leave the audience to a visual treat.”
ALSO READ: Varun Dhawan shares a new PIC but it’s his banter with Janhvi Kapoor that steals the show
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