Superstar Salman Khan, who recently surprised everyone with his special appearance in Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan, was recently seen visiting Aamir Khan’s house. Salman and Aamir share a warm rapport and they are often seen admiring each other’s work. A day before Pathaan’s release, Salman was clicked outside Aamir’s house. Though the purpose of his visit is still unclear but Aamir’s sister Nikhat Hegde, who is also a part of Pathaan, took to social media and offered a glimpse of their meeting with Salman.
Salman Khan poses with Aamir Khan’s family
Aamir’s sister Nikhat has essayed the role of a foster mom to Shah Rukh in Pathaan. She took to Instagram and shared beautiful pictures with Salman. In the pictures, Salman is seen posing next to Nikhat and Aamir’s mom. Other relatives of Aamir are also present in the picture. They are all smiles for the camera. In the second picture, Aamir is seen clicking the picture of Salman and his family. Nikhat shared the picture and wrote, “For those who were missing Aamir.” Have a look:
Soon after she shared the pictures, fans of Aamir and Salman were seen flooding the comments section. A fan wrote, “Oh so cute. Aamir Sir, the cameraman. Love you Aamir Sir! Love your family. You are pride of our nation.” Another fan wrote, “What a lovely frame.” A fan also asked Nikhat to share Salman and Aamir’s pictures.
Shah Rukh Khan thanks Salman Khan
On Monday evening, Shah Rukh was seen celebrating the massive success of Pathaan with Deepika Padukone and John Abraham at an event in Mumbai. During the first press meet, SRK thanked the audience for their immense love. He also thanked Salman for his special appearance. He said, “One person who is not here, I think all of us love him more than anyone can, Bhai is not here, thank you Salman for making this film so wonderful. I think the second best line in the film is ‘painkiller hai, chewing gum nahi’. Fantastic lines!”
Work front
Salman will be next seen in Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan with Pooja Hegde and Shehnaaz Gill. He also has Tiger 3 with Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi. On the other hand, Aamir was seen in Laal Singh Chaddha recently. The film couldn’t perform well at the box office. He is yet to announce his next project.
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