E Ramadoss, the senior Tamil filmmaker-turned-actor who is best known for his performances in many acclaimed films including Visaranai, passed away. As per the reports, Ramadoss was admitted to a private hospital in Chennai for the last few days owing to various health issues. He passed away on January 23, Tuesday, after suffering a massive cardiac arrest. E Ramadoss’s son Kalaiselvan took to his father’s official social media handles and announced the actor-director’s demise, recently.
Bharathiraja pays tribute to E Ramadoss
The veteran actor-filmmaker, who shares a close personal bond with E Ramadoss, took to his official Twitter handle and paid tribute to the actor-director with an emotional post. “Humour in every word, A smile that never faded. Compassionate. The one who mastered literature, eloquence, and natural acting. Your loss is going to be huge for the Tamil cinema world,” reads Bharathiraja‘s tweet. Along with the emotional note, the Thiruchitrambalam actor also shared an unseen picture of E Ramadoss, on his Twitter handle.
Check out Bharathiraja’s post below:
About E Ramadoss
For the unversed, E Ramadoss entered the Tamil film industry as an assistant director, in the early 1980s. He made his directorial debut in 1986 with the Mohan starrer Aayiram Pookkal Malarattum. Later, he helmed several successful films including Raja Rajathan. Ramadoss was one of the directors of Suyamvaram, the 1999-released ensemble movie which made several records with its ensemble star cast and its filming getting completed in just 23 hours and 58 minutes.
Later, E Ramadoss had his first notable acting role in the 2004-released Kamal Haasan starrer Vasool Raja MBBS. Later, he played supporting roles in many acclaimed films including Yuddham Sei, Kaaki Sattai, Visaranai, Vikram Vedha, Aaramm, Maari 2, and others. His last outing was the Jiiva starrer Varalaru Mukkiyam, which hit the theatres in December 2022. The movie is currently available for streaming on the renowned OTT platform Netflix.
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