Bridges of Love Ep. 075

Bridges of Love Ep. 075

Gael informs Nanay he has decides to take his time and review his case against the Antonio, tatay encourages him but remind him he also doesn’t have to play dirty against them in order to win, Carlos calls Mia to invite her to the park to have coffee, Mia has a flashback about her moment with Gael, where she told him she wants to make things right and doesn’t want to hurt him, then prays to God to save him, and not to let him get hurt, she wishes he finds someone who will make him happy, at that moment we see a lady coming out of her car, Mia continues to pray, she wish Gael find a lady who will love him the way he is, the lady bumps into some people and drops her file Gael walks towards her and helps her pick her papers, Mia writes a letter to Gael, she can’t thanked him enough for all the sacrifices he made, his love made her feel that everything, no matter how ugly it is at first, can be beautiful at the right time, may be now he will say, how can it become beautiful when it is over, or gets hurt, but it is still love, it is still love, it might be painful but they still had a beautiful love, and this is right time to say goodbye, because that kind of love is ready to make sacrifice, it is ready to say goodbye because she doesn’t want to see him hurt, she wants him to live his life, that is the kind of love she felt when he was in the hospital, that love she will carry in her heart, “I love you Gael”, she know it is painful that they need to turn their backs from each other, but life goes on, and what seemed to be wrong now will be right too, she has decided to bury her love for him, and embraced the love she has for Carlos, and thank him for everything.

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Carlos is all sets to officially propose to Mia, he hides the ring in the cup of coffee, the place is full of roses, Mia gets there and notices it, she walks on the roses which leads her to Carlos, he hands over her cup of coffee to her, he takes a sip from his, she also try to do same but realized it isn’t coffee, she opens it and see the ring, Carlos takes it out of the cup and tells her he is know he has made a lot of mistakes, and no matter how many times he asks for her forgiveness, he won’t be able to make it right, he gets on his knee and proposes to her, she looks at him without saying a words, cleans her tears, and help him to get up, she tells him he didn’t need to do that, he tells her if he has to kneel several time, he will do it, she replies that no matter how many time he does it, her answer will always be the same, and tells him she want to marry, Carlos hugs her then wear her the ring and promises to be a better man, Mia doesn’t disagree with him, she knows he is a good man, but she hope they won’t be any trouble again, that no one will get hurt, Gael comes to meet his lawyer at the restaurant, he gets there and doesn’t see her, at that same moment he gets a phone call from his lawyer, it is the same lady he help earlier, Carlos takes Mia to the office, not knowing he has organized another surprise for her at home, as soon as they enter, all the staff claps and congratulate them, the lawyer asks Gael if Carlos has any reason to kill him, he says, it is Mia Sandowal, his ex-girlfriend, she is now Carlos’s fiancé, the lawyer asks him if he still loves her, Gael looks surprise at the question so she apologies and advise him to fight for Mia if he still loves her, then when Carlos react they can use it to their advantage, she still insists on Gael to admit whether he still loves Mia or not, Gael asks her if they are here to talk about his case or his love life, or how great Carlos Antonio is, her reaction made him feel that they have no change of winning the case so he prefers they call the meeting off, and tries to leave, the lawyer gets up loudly explain his case to him, he walks back towards her and asks her if she think he has no case, she tells him she only want to honest with him, that in the eyes of the law, he is the criminal, he leads her back to the table and asks her to lower her voice, she later explains how they will go about the case and assures him they will win the case, the lawyer tells Gael, she doubt Carlos is doing all this because of his love for Mia, she is sure Carlos has a deep grudge against him, and asks him if he is sure he hasn’t done anything to Carlos, Gael tells her he doesn’t know anything expect of being Mia ex-boyfriend.

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Lorenzo drinks over his broken heart, he removes his ring, drops it in the glass and throws in on the wall, Carlos can’t believe his father will not file a case a file against Alexa but the attorney assures him he did, however, there will be no charges as long as she gives up her shares, Carlos tries to convince him that Alexa is responsible for everything that happens, therefore needs to be put in jail, Lorenzo laments to Vida about his sorrow, Marilen notices that two men are spying on him and Nanay, at the shop, he tells her to wait for some time so he can charge his phone, she refuses and asks him to do when they home, as the same time there is also a man who is loitering in front of their house, Marilen informs Nanay that they are being followed, she asks him to stop a taxi that she is scared, his father also go out and confronts the man loitering but the man denies it, Tatay gets in and calls his son, but Marilen phone goes off, Marilen asks Nanay to get ready so they can start running, the men on the bike also follow them, Tatay then decides to call Gael to inform him, about what is happening, it seems Lorenzo is behind it, he is angry at someone on phone for making things too obvious, Carlos goes to his father to confronts him about Alexa’s case, and warns him he won’t allow Alexa to walk away after betraying them, his father tells him he is tired, and as long as he has him and the company he is ok, but Carlos refuses, his father get angry and confesses that he still loves Alexa and Carlos of all people should how far a person can go for the people they love, and asks him to leave Alexa alone.

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