Bridges of Love Ep. 076

Bridges of Love Ep. 076

Tres and Nanay run until she falls, the men on bike get closer to them then leave, Muloy also can’t believe that Lorenzo won’t press charges against Alexa, he tells Carlos that his dad won’t let this matter pass just like that, anyone who went against him are now either in jail or bankrupt, and asks him if he thinks his dad has other reason for doing this, Carlos tells him he also doesn’t get it but he knows his dad, he is always two steps ahead, Muloy thinks may be he made a deal with Alexa, Carlos tells him then the she definitely made him a very big offer to him to agree base on what Alexa did to him, Nanay gets home panting and scared, she tells Todoy that Tres went to police to report what happen to them, so she took a cab and came home, Gael comes home and sees her, Todoy tells him the Antonio’s won’t stop until they get what they want, he tells him that people have been loitering around their house and he think Lorenzo sent them, they also follow his mother, he informs Gael he also won’t back down, Alexa also had people to follow the Nakpil’s, she thinks since they have been involve from the beginning, she needs them to fight for her, Gael calls the Attorney to inform her he had another case to file against the Antonio’s, Lorenzo reprimands the men he sent to follow to Nakpil’s, he tells them they were supposed to follow them not hurt them, Mia prefers a simple cake for her wedding , she notices that Carlos isn’t himself, she takes him away from Audrey to find out what the problem is, he assures her he is fine, and advises they reschedule, Gael’s lawyer hand over the letter to Carlos and informs him that her client is charging him with grave threat, Manuel is pleased that Gael’s lawyer found a way of making Carlos pay for what he is doing, but Nanay asks him to stop, he asks her why she keeps defending Carlos when it is clear that he is not her son, she agrees that he is not her son but she doesn’t like what is happening to their family, she wishes it all end.

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Carlos confronts Gael again at the police station, he wants to know is that their offence again this time, Gael tells him if he is the only one he is threatening , he will let it pass but he is also involving his family, Carlos tells him he has no idea what he is talking about, Gael tells him last night his mother was hurt by his men, who were stalking her, and asks him if he is trying to scare her, Carlos walks out of him without saying a word, Mia apologizes to Audrey and promise to check her proposal again, Mia tells Tatang, she can’t think about the wedding, now that Carlos is at the police station, and thinks she should have been with him, he asks her to be patient, Carlos would not want her to be worry, he asks her if she is worry because she thinks he is guilty, she says no, Carlos promised her there won’t be any trouble again, and she trust him, she is only worry because nobody will believe him there, Gael’s lawyer advises him to relax because his temper won’t help them solve his case, she informs him they need more information to build a case against Carlos, Carlos calls Muloy to check on his mother, he wants to know how she is doing and which hospital she was taken to and tells him to make sure no one sees him, he also want him to investigate who is behind her attack, Nanay knows it is wrong for her to worry about Carlos right now, but despite his wrong doing, anytime she looks into his eyes, she feels he still had some goodness inside him, whatever the reason for his anger or wound in his heart, she believe God can heal him, Carlos assures Mia he had nothing to do with what happen to Gael’s family, she asks why are they accusing him, he says it is because he is always at fault in Gael’s eye, he also informs her he has already hired someone to look into it so he can prove to her that he is innocent, she assures him he doesn’t need to prove anything to her.

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Alexa visits Gael, they doubt her intention because they believe she is still connected to the Antonio’s , she assures them she has no business with them anymore, and promise to help him keep his license, Gael asks her why she didn’t defend him when he was still working in the company knowing very well he is innocent, she said by the time she found out he was innocent, it was too late there is nothing she could have done, she was also deceived by Carlos and Lorenzo, she understand how he feels because she is also a victim of the Antonio’s, his lawyer agrees to works with her, but Gael refuses and tells her he can’t trust another Antonio, and asks her to leave, Muloy calls to informs Carlos not to worry about his mother, because she wasn’t hospital, Gael gets mad at his lawyer for trusting Alexa so easily, and asks her to do her own research, she also gets angry and reminds him she is not his enemy, she tells him she also doesn’t trust her, but if she can help him get his license back, then she might really be sincere, and asks him to trust her, she tells him as long as he remains a bitter guy, he will never have what it takes to be a winner, he also asks her not to judge him because she knows nothing about his life, Nanay introduces herself to one of her customers, the woman looks surprise when she mention that she is Marilen Nakpil, Nanay asks her if there is a problem with her name, but the woman says no, she just remembers the name Nakpil because of one her student was also Nakpil, he was very naughty but he is a good kids, Carlos visits Mia in her office to get some documents from her, he decides to go look for them because she was attending to a customer, he sees a box full of letter and decides to check them, he sees the letter she wrote to Gael and read it, Gael works in his office and smile at I really don’t know what, while Mia is also working and thinks about Gael, she hopes something good comes his way so he can share it just like in the past, Carlos comes to her workplace to inform her he wants them to get married next week.

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