Forevermore Episode 3
Agnes hands over the parachute to Drew; he gives her more money than necessary. He tells her it is part payment of his debt, he promises to pay the rest when he gets enough money. Agnes is grateful and tells him he already helped them a lot then she hugs him. Drew breaks the hug and tells her she is being over dramatic as usual. Alex refuses to have breakfast because his mother calls for an emergency meeting. Betina tells her about the conversation she overheard between Soledad and Meg. Alex disagrees with her and reminds her that Xander is Soledad only surviving grandchild. She can’t look for someone else to take over his position, Betina is sure of what she hear. She suggests they start looking for Xander, Alex refuses, he tells her Xander will come and cause trouble and run away again. He feels it is right time Xander is thought a lesson. Otherwise even if they bring him home he won’t get any position from his grandmother. Betina doesn’t seem to agree with him, she feels if Xander takes too long to return Soledad will give his position to someone else. Alex asks her to relax because it will never happen and he leaves. At the board meeting, the shareholders complain about not making enough money from the hotel. Some even suggests they sell a property and expand others. Soledad doesn’t feel it is necessary to shut down the hotel. Someone makes her understand that their hotel is now old and can’t compete with the new hotel. Their facilities are outmoded and they have no money left which they all seem to agree expect Soledad. What happen with the money from the partnership with the Montecillo? One member asks, Soledad tells them they will be no more partnership. The montecillo have already given to their statement. They have decided to put their Ten thousand million dollars on hold.
They all wonder what happen, everything was going on well. Clauie seem to be the only who cares about Xander. All the villagers gather to discuss about his issue, Sebio doesn’t think it is fair for them to expect him to pay them. Xander sold everything he had on him, his parents are far away. They also have no means for him to communicate with his parent. Marisol suggests they ask him for his home address so they can send them a telegram to inform them about what he did. Xander refuses to give them his parent’s address; he doesn’t know them and feel they will harm his parents. Agnes feels he is rude, Clauie defend him, and Marisol assures him they are not bad people. How can he think this way about them when he is the one who cause them trouble? All they want is to have their source of livelihood back. She suggests they let him rest for the night, Xander wonder if she is going to sleep in the village. Yes; he is until they figure out what to do with him. Alex joins Soledad in her room; he wants to know why she didn’t inform him about the hotel situation. Soledad didn’t because when she spoke with the Montecillo. She thought she had already solved the problem until the incident at the party. She tells her son through the years, she always had solutions to every problem but not this. Alex apologizes, and promises to help go through it. He also swears to make sure Xander learns this time. Agnes and her father take Xander to a small shelter with the pillow in his hand. He mistakenly take the toilet for him room, Buboy tells him if can decides to sleep in the toilet if he want. But he will either sit or stand throughout the night. A beggar with a choice, Xander can’t believe they are asking him to sleep in an open air. He wonder why he can’t also sleep in the house, Buboy tells him he has a teenage daughter in the house. Xander tells him what they are doing is illegal detention and he can sue them.
The guys arranging his place tells him he has a blanket and a pillow so he can’t call it illegal detention. One guy wonders what will happen if he escaped, Buboy doesn’t think Xander will run away. He believes Xander is a man of his word and can’t run away, he however hopes he is not mistaken. As soon as they leave, Xander calls his friend and asks for his money. He tells him not now, he already use the money. Xander refuses to tell him about his whereabouts and hangs up. The villagers debate on Xander case, Sebio doesn’t feel it is right for them to detent Xander. Agnes feel Xander is only making excuses not to pay them. She doesn’t believe his story about his parents and friend been in SBU. She feels he also lie about his name Xander. While they deliberate on his issue, Xander sneaks out of and hide to listen to them. Sebio has a great idea, he suggests they take a picture and look for him on facebook. Someone also suggests they post his face all over town, someone must recognize them. It is definitely a good idea but since they have money for the cost involve they decide to use another method. They will put pressure on him; starve him, after a day or two he will surely pay them. That is an inhuman thing to do, one villager protest, Buboy has the final say. [adinserter block=”10″]He feels it is the only option available to make Xander pay them. The one who protested earlier tells them to make sure Xander doesn’t fall sick. Speaking of Xander, he tries to escape but Agnes catches him, he denies and tells her he was looking for his phone. She drags him back to his shelter and Agnes decides to keep a vigil on him. He tells him friend on phone; they are keeping an eye on him so he can’t escape. His friend will have done the same thing, they only want their money. Xander tells him he has no cash, his friend suggests he withdraws his allowance from the ATM card. Xander tells him the money belongs to his father not him.
His friend asks him to swallow his pride for once but he refuses. Xander tries to escape again but he is busted so he returns to sleep. Madam Guilleta’s voice wakes him up the following day; she came to warn them about the demolition. They remind her they still have 5 days left, she agrees but doubts they will able to pay all their debt. She advises they start parking their stuff and warn them not to leave any hut behind. Xander comes out and she accuses them of kidnapping. She analyses him and assures them they can get a lot out of him. Xander looks like a rich kid and leaves, few minutes later Agnes bring foods to her pig. Xander can’t believe the pig get food while he doesn’t. He tells her even jail mate get food, Agnes remind him they are not treating him like a prisoner. She takes out her note and informs him he is supposed to pay 2 dollar a day for his hotel room. Xander can’t believe he will be paying 2 dollar for this dump. Ooh before I forget he is also allowed to order breakfast for 1 dollar a day. Xander feels it is expensive, well things don’t come easily. She decides to give him a discount but he turns down the room service. Agnes decides to leave but informs him he is free to join the pig to share her food. Clauie and her twin sister Judy join him; Chloe tells him she is prettier than her twin sister. She volunteers to cook some breakfast for him. Well Xander get free meal, water and guest what he is served on a table decorated with flower. Agnes hides and watches Clauie serves him but not to for long. Clauie and her twin sister get scolded for giving food to him.
Clauie didn’t know they were not supposed to give him food. Judy feels it is because she was busily flirting with him. Clauie reminds her she did the cooking, Judy also didn’t know. Now they are informed and warned not to give him food or water but Clauie feels sorry for superman. Alex refuses to have breakfast again, he is having breakfast meeting somewhere with his mother. Betina wants details but Alex doesn’t want to be late so he leaves. What a nice way to torture Xander, the aroma of the food wakes him up the following day. The villagers decide to tease him with a breakfast buffet not far from his shed. He gets closer to them and wants to order one. Agnes joins him with a fish and tells him he will have to pay, Xander has no money. He asks her to add it to his bill, decline; she puts the fish in her mouth. He quietly returns to his room and watch them enjoy. Betina talk to someone on phone, she feels they are not telling something. Yesterday; she overheard Soledad telling Meg she has to look for someone. Today Alex left early in the morning; she feels Soledad won’t give Xander his inheritance. Tania suggests she asks Alex about it, Betina did but he doesn’t tell anything. She feels they treat her as if she is not part of the family, Tania feels it is not about Xander but Betina herself. Benita tells her it is about her son, even though she is not married to Alex, Xander is still a Grande. The villagers decide to torture Xander more; they put a smelly fertilizer outside his shed. They tease him not to throw up and save the little food left in his stomach. Alex informs Soledad they need to change the marketing plan of the company. He admits it will cost them a bit, but he believes it is going to be a big help in their business. Soledad disagrees and reminds him they have no budget. Alex asks her to trust him and he knows the right guy for the job. Soledad will trust him on this one because he says it will help them.
Things couldn’t get worse for Xander, Agnes takes away his blanket and pillow because he refuses to pay. Xander has no choice but to call Meg to borrow money. She wonder what kind of trouble he got himself involve in. She runs into Alex and has to put the call on hold the conversation. Xander overhears his father threatens to suspend Meg if she ever help him again. The villagers gather again to deliberate on Xander’s case; they feel their plan didn’t work. Xander is either stubborn or used to struggle to survive. No I think he is rather shameless; someone says. They decide to look for other way to pay their debt and free Xander by tomorrow. Agnes informs them they only have 200 dollars so they decide to sell their personal belongings to make the amount.