Forevermore Episode 51

Forevermore Episode 51

Xander calls to wish Agnes a merry Christmas. Unlike Agnes, Xander dinner is rather boring. He lies and tells her he is also having fun, but he is sleepy. He called to wish her merry Christmas and good night before he goes to bed. Agnes decides to give him some few details of their dinner. He pretends to be very sleepy and apologizes to her and hangs up. One of the twins wonders why Agnes didn’t keep long on the phone. Agnes tells her because Xander is sleepy. She tells Agnes she hopes Xander didn’t bail on her. Agnes defend her boyfriend, she thinks he ate too much that is why he is so sleepy. Beside he did call her so she doesn’t mind. Agnes decides to text Drew to wish him a merry Christmas. Drew is having the worse Christmas of his life; he decides to spend the night alone in bed. Agnes text put a smile on his face, he quickly calls her. He thought she forgot about him, she always calls him around midnight to wish him. She promises to come over to see him the following day but he reminds her he always comes over so they go to the fair. Agnes apologizes; she can’t make it this year. She is working tomorrow. in case can she bring Xander along with them. Loulie wonder what happen to Kate visitors. She tells her they could not make it anymore. JC calls to wish her merry Christmas. She wonders if they are really not coming anymore. She tells him it is too bad because Roselle and the others are also not coming. JC tells him he is with his family and Xander is out of reach. He thinks he is probably with his girlfriend. She understands and promises to cook for them the next time they come over.
Agnes and others chat by the fire after their dinner. Bangky wishes Xander would pass by because he really misses him. Clauie and the rest also miss him too. Just at that moment some singer and a van approach them. They all get up and start dancing to the tune. Once they are done; Xander comes out of the van dressed like Santa Claus. He wishes his girlfriend a merry Christmas once again. She thought he was so sleepy that he almost passed out. He tells her he will never bail on her especially on Christmas. They all tease them and laugh. Xander tells them Agnes told him Christmas should be spent with family. His Christmas won’t be merry if he can’t be with his La Presa family. He takes down his bear and tells her she is the best Christmas gift he receives this year. I love those villagers; Xander tells her she loves her. They all laugh when Agnes replies she loves him too. He asks for Buboy permission to hug Agnes. Permission granted. they hug the villagers cheer them up and they all join to hug. Xander gives each one of them a gift. Nicknok also has a gift for Xander though he is embarrassed for the size. Bettina is worried Xander left the dinner, Alex feels she should be used to it by now. He asks to be thankful he shows up for Christmas dinner with them. Alex asks her not to worry about Xander. He is now a grown man and has a girlfriend, he is sure Xander went to see her. She feels that is the problem Xander is there not with them. Alex defends his son and reminds her he had dinner with them. Something he hasn’t done in years, and for that they should be thankful.
[adinserter block=”10″] Party time at La Presa, Agnes and Xander opens the dance floor. Xander didn’t imagine La Presa is best place to be in Christmas. Agnes hopes he understands why she can’t leave. Xander tells her he also doesn’t want to leave anymore to Cebu. She reminds him it is for only two weeks. Agnes and Xander go for a walk after the dance. He claims he is good at guessing so he decides to read her hand. He tells her in 4 years, she will get married to a very handsome guy. He tells her the guy initial she wonders if he is referring to Andrew. She feels she went for the wrong guy. He takes her hand again and tells her he is not done with letters. There is an X and tells her he was referring to himself. Agnes laugh at him, she tells him it is very disappointing. She thought she was going to meet a more handsome guy. Xander asks her to come to Cebu with him but she refuses. She doesn’t want aby special favor because she is his girlfriend. He tricks her to look back, when she turns back to face him. He shows her a ring box, as soon as she sees the ring. She dares him not to even think of proposing to her. He tells her it is her Christmas gift; he puts it on her fingers and tells her it is a promise ring. He promises that wherever he goes, she will always have his heart. He promises to always put her happiness before his and whatever happens. No matter which part of the world he is, no matter the obstacle they will face, his heart will always be for her, and nobody can take it from him. He tells her he loves her, she loves him too and they hug, not even a kiss after those sweet words. Buboy stares at his family portrait when Agnes joins him. He hopes her mother is also happy this Christmas.
Agnes wakes up at down and thanks God for giving her Xander. Loulie visits Bettina in the hotel. Bettina asks of Jamie, she tells him he will eventually clam down. He doesn’t like to see Kate hurt. Bettina apologizes for what happened. She is hoping Xander or Agnes will come to their senses. She informs Loulie Agnes is working at the hotel as part of her scholarship. She asks Loulie not to worry. With Agnes presence in the hotel, she will get to know her true intentions. Agnes visits Kate to wish her a merry Christmas, and give her a gift. Kate prefers to come for her order at La Presa. Agnes suggests they rather meets at the hotel and informs her she is working there. Bettina tries to convince Loulie to allow Kate joins Xander and his father for the conference in Cebu. The frog report to Bettina and tells her Agnes a hardworking woman lady. Bettina tells her to add more load to Agnes work. She wants to k now how determined Agnes is. Xander shows up in the laundry room with flower for Agnes. She is embarrassed and reminds him she is working. he ask her to chill it is break time. Bettina sees them and says Agnes should enjoy this day. She will make sure she leaves the hotel before Xander returns from Cebu.