From money to abuse, Pamela Anderson opens up about Pam & Tommy, Here are 5 revelations MGG


Pamela Anderson is no longer letting go of herself and taking back her narrative from the others. The two high-profile projects will soon launch on January 31, 2023 which will include her memoir with HarperCollins, as well as a Netflix documentary called Pamela, a Love Story, which was produced by her son Brandon Thomas and directed by Ryan White.

Since the very beginning, Anderson has been associated with the bimbo image even though she is the author of two best-selling books for the New York Times. The depth and intelligence of the Baywatch actress have always been sidelined. In an interview with Variety, Anderson mentioned that she is much more than a sex tape.

Here are some of the compelling revelations that were made by Pamela Anderson in her memoir and Netflix documentary.

5 revelations about Pamela Anderson

1. Pamela Anderson’s encounter with Tim Allen

According to Variety, during a shoot for Home Improvement in April 1991, she found Tim Allen roaming in the hallway in a bathrobe which seemed normal at the time. However, just then Allen opened his bath robe to quickly flash Anderson while being completely naked underneath. According to Anderson, Tim Allen said that this would only be fair since he had already seen the 23 year old budding actress naked. At that time Pamela laughed uncomfortably at the situation and left.

Tim Allen responded that such a situation never happened as he would never do such things.

2. Release of Pam & Tommy

The group consisting of mostly male producers led by Seth Rogen created a Hulu series based on the crime against Pamela Anderson. It followed the script’s distribution and theft of the sex videotape of Anderson and her then husband Tommy Lee. No one consulted Anderson to make this series or asked if it was alright to make the series. This happened at the very beginning of the internet days and completely changes the views about privacy and personal life of celebrities.

According to Anderson, the pilfered sex tape ‘ruined lives’ along with upending her marriage. Three decades after the incident, Anderson was forced to relieve this with the release of Hulu series Pam and Tommy. The series soon became a sensation with several Emmy nominations while bringing the Baywatch actress back into the limelight.

Pamela Anderson used the word ‘asshole’ to describe the creators behind the series. She added that the series was a salt on her wounds that she never even watched for a single second, but Anderson was unable to escape the billboards.

3. Pamela Anderson role in Baywatch

Anderson also revealed about not being properly compensated for her role in Baywatch in a recent interview with Variety. Her co-star David Hasselhoff reportedly earned a lot more in Pamela’s comparison who also held an ownership stake. Since at the time, she didn’t have proper representation or understanding, Anderson did not realize how much the series would have worked.

4. Anderson’s love for animals

Anderson also revealed that her relationship with animals has always been a source of comfort for her. She was a long-time activist for PETA and rescued several animals during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010. Pamela’s rescue work with the animals also put her in talks with powerful people, including diplomats and politicians.

5. Pamela opens up about sexual assault

Pamela Anderson also talked about how early exposure to domestic violence has impacted her choices in men. She mentioned being sexually assaulted in three different incidents even before turning 18 years old. She also endured domestic violence from Lee when she was holding their 7 week old son at the time. Anderson immediately filed for divorce, with Lee serving six months in jail for the incident.

In an interview with Variety, Pamela Anderson mentioned that she is not a very judgmental person. She is simply stating the facts in the Netflix documentary and letting the audience decide about the verdict. Love, Pamela captures the childhood wonders of the Baywatch actor along with the pain that the siblings endured as their father used to physically abuse their mother. Her parents separated in 1970s but they later reconciled and now live together on the Anderson’s Ladysmith property.

In her interview with Variety, Anderson mentioned that she has been living like a mirrored version of the 22 year old self. She starts her day at about 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. Pamela has about five dogs which her parents care for while she is traveling.

Watch the trailer of Pamela, a Love Story here:

ALSO READ: Pamela Anderson allegedly claims Tim Allen flashed his penis at her; Tim Allen’s response


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