Italian Bride Episode 38
Adele asks Fiorella if she is ok, she says no. Vittorio didn’t believe her, she notices it, and everyone in the ranch thinks she is guilty. Julieta’s blindness and Fiorella escaped is the topic at the Angeles at this moment. Gael feels they should conduct a proper investigation, no need to investigate says Federicca. They all know what happen. Pregnancy alert! Sonia feel sick at the table, her husband coldly asks her what wrong with her. She reminds him that she already told him she wasn’t feeling well. She runs off to throw up; Eloisa asks Osvaldo what wrong with his wife. He tells her he doesn’t know, she doesn’t understand why he is not worried. She wonders if he doesn’t care or what. Osvaldo excuses himself and goes after his wife, Federica again. Eloisa asks of her darling grandson, Roxana informs her he went to dinner with Aitana. Drunk Ramiro makes his grand entrance into the hall. Eloisa wonders what wrong with him, what she thinks he asks her. He yells and insults her, Eloisa eyes are wide open and watches him without knowing what to say. Dante finally manage to drag him away, Gael rushes to his grandmother to check on her. Federica passes another sarcastic comment. Pedro tells Fidel he has to prove Fiorella’s innocence. Fidel wonders if he so sure that she is indeed innocence. He asks Fidel to leave him, Aitana shows up.
She is pissed off because he has been neglecting her. Pedro agrees and asks for forgiveness. He pays little attention to her until he kicks her out of his study. Vittorio is in a good mood that even Dianna notices. He gives her details of his happiness, Diana starts investigating. Aitana joins her friend to drink. Roxana suggests they go have fun instead of staying at home crying over Pedro. No good news for Julieta but the doctor asks her to be optimistic. The doctor wants her husband to sign some documents; Sergio offers to sign since Anibal isn’t around. Benito intentionally removes air into the car tyre. He tells Gianna it is the perfect excuse to take the car to town. Roxana voice’s interrupts their conversation and Gianna has to hide in the car boot. Roxana and Aitana ask Benito to drive them to the club. Benito asks Gianna not to make noise before closing the boot. Fiorella is unable to sleep, so is Adele.[adinserter block=”10″] She asks Fiorella not to worry too much, Benito will prove her innocence. Fidel brings some tea for Pedro to calm him down, Pedro only want to prove Fiorella innocence. Fidel tells him out of sight, out of mind; his comment gives Pedro an idea to check the security cameras. Once at the club, Roxana tries to convince Benito to go in with her. He refuses because he doesn’t want to have any problem with her family. Gianna sees them Kissing and get angry. She opens the car and start walking; Gael sees her and goes after her. Julieta is in big trouble, she mistakenly calls her husband Sergio my love. Dianna calls the police to inform them about Fiorella whereabouts.
Two guys try to abuse Gianna in the street. Aitana isn’t having a nice time at the club, she keeps calling Pedro and he also keeps ignoring her. Pedro goes over the security footage of the house, he sees Fiorella going into Eloisa’s room. Gael shows up in time to prevent the guys from hurting Gianna. The police show up at Adele’s house late at night. They were informed that Fiorella is hiding in their house. Reynaldo doesn’t want to have any problem with the police so he opens the door. Fiorella swears to them that she is innocent; well the police are only doing their job. Adele and her husband also intervene, but to no avail, Fiorella is taken away in her night dress. Vittorio is furious; it is obvious he already know about Fiorella’s arrest. Dianna is right there to console him and even suggests going with him to see her. Adele informs her son that Fiorella has been arrested. Gianna wants to go with Benito to visit Fiorella but Gael advices her not to. Fiorella is taken into the cell; she yells that she is innocent.
Her cellmate asks her to make less noise and teases her. She cries and assures her that she is innocent. Her cellmate reminds her that everyone here claim to be innocent. Julieta denies having a relationship with Sergio, just at that moment Sergio walks in. He informs Julieta that Fiorella has been arrested. Dante does have a heart after all; Federica reproaches him for telling Eloisa Fiorella may be innocent. Pedro visits Fiorella in jail and tells her he saw her entering his grandmother’s room in the video. He asks her to cheer up because the video prove that she is innocent. Fiorella cries and tells him everyone thinks she is guilty. He kisses her hands and promise to prove them wrong.