Italian Bride Episode 56 Part 2
Roxana breaks the kiss and reminds Benito they are in Eloisa’s room. He pays no attention and kisses her. Eloisa goes up stairs, hold the knob to her room but remembers she has something to do downstairs and leaves. Benito and Roxana tries to make love in Eloisa’s room but unfortunately for them Eloisa tries to enter her room. Roxana closes the door and asks Benito to jumps through the window. Eloisa tries to open her door and realized it is lock, she calls for Dante. Roxana tells Eloisa she accidentally lock herself in her room. Eloisa wonders what the hell she is doing in her room. Dianna offers tea to Vittorio to calm him down and of course speaks ill of Fiorella. Instead of consoling Vittorio, she rather makes things worst. Vittorio on the other sees things from a different perspective. He agrees with her and feels Fiorella is still a young lady. He treated her like a mature woman; he drove Fiorella away with his insecurity. He was paranoia, she tries to explain what happen with Anibal but he didn’t listen. Fiorella decided to marry him because she love him, he thank Diana for opening his eyes. Sonia tells her mother, she trying to convince Pedro that he is the child father, because he doesn’t remember what happen that night. Her mother agrees with her and feels it is a good idea to try to pin the child on Pedro. She asks her daughter to count on her and assures her she has her full support. Sonia doesn’t want her mother around and prefers she live as soon as possible.
Alina advises Gael not to worry Gianna social status and enjoy his relationship with her. Osvaldo shows up again before Alina leave Pedro study and kiss her. They both agree they need to talk but not at the ranch. Pedro tries to set up a chest game in a funny way when Fiorella interrupt him. She understands their relationship didn’t end on a good note, but it doesn’t mean they should behave like enemy. Pedro brings up her kiss with Benito, he doesn’t matter who told him, she did kiss him. Fiorella tells him Benito was under the influence of the drugs, he was confused and kissed her. She assures him the kiss means nothing to her, just like the way she is so sure he misarrange the knight on the chest board. Gael informs Gianna about Alina advises. Gianna feels he is ashamed of her; Gael denies it. [adinserter block=”10″]She informs him she no longer wants to be his girlfriend and leaves. Pedro hides in the stable and listen to Simonetta and Fiorella conversation. Simonetta wonders if Vittorio will be interested in her since Fiorella broke up with him. Fiorella decides to stay behind and feed the horse. Pedro shows up and asks her if she really cancel her wedding with Vittorio. Fiorella tells him yes, she cancels everything. Pedro wonders if they can give each other a chance. Fiorella reminds Pedro he already has a girlfriend. Pedro only wants one opportunity; she is the one he loves. He is willing to do whatever it takes; Fiorella agrees to think about it but tells him he is going to be a very long list.
Pedro goes on his knee and asks her to name them. He is even willing to bring her the moon, change the shape of Mexico to a boat, just to prove to her that he loves her. Gael goes after Gianna and they continue with their fight. Gianna is jealous that he kissed Roxana. She feels Gael doesn’t want to introduce her to his friend at the university because they all know he is dating Roxana. Gael desperately goes for his pills. Osvaldo tries to drag Sonia along to the hospital to have the DNA test done. Sonia reminds him that the doctor told them it will be the baby at risk. Osvaldo doesn’t care, he only want to know if the child is his. Vittorio wonders what he has to do for Fiorella to forgive him, he get an idea and make a call. Julieta feels bad she ruined Fiorella’s wedding. Fiorella assures her she didn’t. She and Vittorio already had some problem. She begs Sergio and Julieta not to tell anyone that she called the wedding off. Sonia calls her mother and informs her about the DNA test. Osvaldo takes the phone away from her before the doctor joins them. The doctor hands over the consent form to her to sign. Sonia wonders what will happen if she doesn’t sign, Osvaldo threatens to throw her out. Sonia recalls her mother at the coffee shop and agrees to sign the document.