La Gata Episode 106
Pablo and Esmeralda begin to get along very well and she continues to do everything to give Pablo a gradual recovery of his mind. Esmeralda encourages Pablo to go see the doctor so that they can also do their part in helping him to get his memory back and Pablo agrees. After Mariano has informed his mum about Esmeralda’s where about. Lorenza picks a phone and quickly alerts the police about Esmeralda’s hiding place. she asks them to go get the children and after put her in jail for disobeying the court orders. Silencioso’s counselor Rosorio delivers the good news to him that he’s been able to put everything in place. Ines is going to be released out of jail and he becomes so happy for hearing that. Silencioso, Rosorio and Mrs. Rita go to get Ines from prison and Silencioso takes the opportunity to advise her that she should take this as a second chance to amend her life. he has done his part.
Dr. Havier goes to see Vicky to inquire from her about the where about of Pablo. he was thrown out by Vicky’s brother Hadga not to enter their residence again. after hurting her sister for a very long time ago for falling in love with him. The police go after Esmeralda to get the children and also to arrest her and they succeed.
Lorenza is asked by Agustin about where those children will be taken to after the police hand them over to Juan Gaza . she tells him she will take them the garbage dumb since that is where they belong. Agustin then asks her if she has thought it wise into consideration what her children are going to do to her. when they find out that she only brayed them and Lorenza becomes nervous. Mariano confronts his mum and this time in a very angry mood to ask her straight away. why she told the authorities about the hidden place of Esmeralda. she was the only one who knew that because he told her. she goes to the extent of betraying him. Damien challenges the judge who ruled in favor of Juan Gaza that. he and his people are going to file a law suit against him for that injustices against Esmeralda.
[adinserter block=”10″]The judge also accepts and tells Damien that, no one is going to believe him.only if he has a prove and upon everything the judge still handed over the children to Juan Gaza. Damien says to the judge that he is never going to rest until he sees him behind bars. He presents the children to Lorenza and she asks Juan Gaza to help her to take those children to the garbage dump. No matter the amount of convincing from Garabato to make Ines accept to marry him or to make him adopt her child. Ines will not give heed to his sayings because she continues to say to him that he is not worth it. she will prefer to sell the child to rich people instead Garabato even if he dreams of becoming rich or is rich. Juan Gaza escorts Lorenza to take the children to the garbage slums. she will leave them there at a place where no one can easily find them. she wants them to starve to death because those children are just trash.
All these while Silencioso and his lawyers and with the help of Mariano and Damien. they get to know of Lorenza’s intention about the children. they quickly go after them to get the children out of danger and there was Lorenza’s face written with shame. She tries to put the blame on Juan Gaza and this made him to spill the bull out. he mentioned every bit of how she paid him to do all those evil things. Mrs. Rita arrives with Ines and it turned out that her son Tellico. was the one who has all these wile pose himself as that Juan Gaza guy. it becomes another blow to her since her son is again being taking to jail. Ines then goes to say high to him after discovering from Mrs. Rita that Tellico is her father. Esmeralda and her whole family falls into a happy mood after the children are returned to her and they celebrate the moment together.