La Gata Episode 109.
After Juan Gaza kidnaps Jarocha, he takes her to the shantytown and though Jarocha pleads with him to let her go. he threatens her with a gun continuously to shut her mouth if not he is going finish her up. Ray and Ines enters to pledge support to Tellico (Juan Gaza) for whatever help he may need to kill Jarocha. he tells Ines’ that he actually loves that courage of hers since that really proves how a father and daughter are related. Garabato and the other boys continues to study hard to gain a better future for their lives. they feel so sorry for their friend ray who has chosen to take the wrong part to neglect being educated. Esmeralda grows so worried about Jarocha after several unanswered calls upon trying to reach out to her. She decides to call her father to inform him about the situation .before she could do that, Tellico calls to inform her that he has Jarocha right with him and until she pays him the amount he requires.
she is never going to see Jarocha again and Esmeralda becomes so nervous. Esmeralda gets so devastated after telling her father Silencioso about the issue. Silencioso tell her to calm down because Tellico is only doing that to get money. not to necessarily kill Jarocha and that is exactly what he is going to give him any money he requires to get Jarocha back. Tellico calls Silencioso and asks for 20million box of money before they release of Jarocha. So Silencioso, Esmeralda and Pablo go to the back to get the money he demands from them. Loneliness sets into Lorenza ‘s life and she begins to think of the happy family she ones had with his family. it comes up that now she is being disown by her children due to her evil mind. she again blames Esmeralda for being her downfall in the fate she is facing now. Gisela arrives and seeing how pale Lorenza looks she decides to take her to the spur so she can calm her down.
[adinserter block=”10″]with all of her problems and before they could set out of the house. Damien arrives with police to arrest Gisela after the court investigating that she shot Pablo and doing many evil deeds. Lorenza after Damien mentioned to her that Gisela was the one who shot Pablo in the head. she then says to her that she will forever rot in jail for doing that to her son and pretending to be her best friend. Virginia continues to insist that she wants to have a child of her own so she can also leave a family behind after she’s dead. Carlos disagrees and still suggests that they adopt because he doesn’t want to lose her in his life. she is his happiness but after several insisting from her. Carlos has no choice than to give in to Virginia’s plea though it seemed very though knowing that he is bound to lose her after delivery. To be able to find Jarocha soon and very safe, Esmeralda and Pablo suggest that Silencioso involves Garabato and his gang for the search. he agrees so he calls Garabato and he arrives with his friends to give assurance him that.
they are willing to help secure Jarocha no matter the troubles they will have to go through to get her out of Tellico’s hands. Esmeralda pleads with her father to go together with the boys to help in searching for Jarocha. to be able to win the peoples mind for them to show them where Jarocha can be found. she distributes some items to them whiles Garabato and the others go on the search. They meet with ray but he still will not tell the truth to them. Lorenza feeling so lonely and also seeing that her time will surely come to be arrested as Gisela. she goes straight to plead with Silencioso and his family to forgive her for all the wrongs she’s done. Silencioso tells her that they have forgiven her but to forget is out of the context therefore shouldn’t come back to their house ever again. She begins to shed her crocodile tears to plead with Silencioso to help her recover her children’s trust because she doesn’t want to feel lonely but he gets so furious and pushes her out of his house.