Lee Jae-wook becomes Jun’s kingmaker in The Impossible Heir MGG


Lee Jae-wook becomes Jun’s kingmaker in The Impossible Heir

The promo train has taken off with a new poster and video teaser combo for Disney+’s upcoming The Impossible Heir, introducing the main trio at the center of our chaebol succession battle: Lee Jae-wook (Death’s Game), Jun (a.k.a. Lee Jun-young) (May I Help You), and Hong Su-ju (Sweet Home 2).

We open the teaser with Na Hye-won’s (Hong Su-ju) voiceover, when she asked, “Aren’t you curious? What each of us will appear to be, ten years from now?” But life hasn’t been easy for our three leads and every day is a struggle when you’ve been labeled as an outcast in so-called proper society.

Han Tae-oh (Lee Jae-wook), for instance, has been trying to hide from the world and we hear the salacious gossip in voiceover that Tae-oh’s dad murdered Tae-oh’s mom. Kang In-ha (Jun) faces constant rejection from his chaebol family, who sneer at In-ha for smelling different as an illegitimate child. All the while Hye-won tries to deny even having a mom, as she’s harassed by loan sharks for the money her runaway mom owes.

Similarly at a breaking point, our trio decide that enough is enough and a steely-eyed In-ha proposes “to take revenge on the people who looked down on us and made our lives difficult.” An amused Tae-oh chuckles that, “it’s a humble dream,” before revealing his grander – and more specific – plan: “We’re going to make you President Kang In-ha of the Kang-oh Group.”

Immediately impressed, In-ha confesses, “This is why I can’t help but love Han Tae-oh.” Hye-won agrees to participate as well, revealing her ambition to make the Kang-oh Group hers in both the present and the future. As she takes In-ha’s hand as his significant other, we then read the trio’s united goal in the appearing text screens, to rise from the bottom to the highest place.

Reassuring his friends, a confident Tae-oh declares, “Don’t worry. I’m going to make it happen perfectly.” We then watch as Tae-oh transforms from neighborhood cutie to slick corporate exec and the teaser closes as Tae-oh updates the team, “I’ll get straight to the point. Our plan has finally begun.”

Directed by PD Min Yeon-hong (Insider, Missing: The Other Side) with scripts by Choi Won, Disney+’s The Impossible Heir will be coming to our screens on February 28.

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