Open Thread #849 » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps MGG



1. I bought myself a trial package of passes for Aerial Yoga/Aerial Pilates/Aerial Hoop classes at the Aerial studio in the next neighbourhood over.

My first class is tomorrow morning bright and early. I have my Yoga pants and my Yoga mat ready…

… only now I’m getting a wee bit worried because my flexibility is TERRIBLE after years of not doing Yoga or Pilates. And I’m gonna be doing Yoga while SUSPENDED IN THE AIR!

What was I thinking? Oh right – super low impact way of regaining my flexibility and core strength, that’s what. We’ll see what happens – will 9TailedVixen survive her first Aerial Yoga class without having to call for the teacher to help her get unstuck from dangling from the ceiling? Stay tuned to find out!

In the meantime, anyone wondering about Aerial Yoga can enjoy these hilarious episodes of Run BTS in which the boys attempt to learn Aerial Yoga:

Part 1:

Part 2:

2. In this week’s edition of Women In South Korea News:

(a) Anyone who has just finished watching WELCOME TO SAMDAL-RI might be interested in this newly-published photo-article in Vogue magazine about one photographer’s journey to capture the lives of JeJu Island’s female divers:

These pictures are great but given the propensity of The Male Gaze to objectify women, one wonders how this project would have turned out in the hands of a female photographer.

(b) Another piece of interesting news – the employment rate of women in South Korea has risen:

(c) The South Korean government is making military enlistment mandatory for trans women:

From the article:

The proposal stipulates that Korean transgender women who have not undergone more than six months of hormone therapy will be required to enlist for mandatory military service. On January 19, KST, the Defense Ministry stated that it was working to bring a revised enforcement rule regarding the conscription examination, which mandates men’s eligibility for military service. The revision is currently in the pre-announcement stage, during which the legislative can collect public opinions regarding the bill before the National Assembly launches a review to vote.

A new rule under this draft revision states that transgender women who have not been regularly taking hormone therapy for at least six months would be classified as grade 4, forcing them to join military service as social service personnel under alternative service instead of active-duty soldiers.

According to the current…


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