Passion And Power Episode 22
Eladio wants to know if she is seeing him, she tells him these are 20 years old letters. Her answer is enough to piss Eladio off; she kept them all this time because they are lovers. He can’t believe she kept them together with her precious son picture. Julia tells him she was going to destroy them because things between him and David have improved. Eladio tells him she only care about her son, she remind him it is their son. Eladio takes the letter from her and tears them in front of her. Augustin informs Arturo none of the employees receive a large deposit. Eladio threatens her to make her life impossible if she ever has anything to do with Arturo. Julia tells him the difference between them is that she respect her marriage vows just like Arturo. Julia changes the subject and wants to know what wrong with David. He tells her David went to Queretaro and he hopes he went to cancel his project. If David continues to see Regina, he will make him pay. Julia tells him he can threaten her all he can, she won’t mind but warns him to not threaten her son. Eladio tells her he will never let David be with a Montenegro. If Julia doesn’t want him to threaten her son, she better tell David to obey him. Don Gisela visits Eladio in his office, she runs into Franco in the office. She informs him Caridad will be released in a month time. Franco asks Marinita to find out why Elaido pays Gisela every month. Elaido wants to know why she is now telling him, Gisela wants to know what they are going to do.
Eladio corrects her and reminds what she is going to do; he hopes she remembered what he told her. If Caridad comes out of jail, she will have to say good bye to her monthly check. Clara bought some stuff for Maribel for the trip, Francisco came to visit them. Franco runs after Gisela outside the building and gives her money for taxi. Not too fast, he wants to know why she received monthly pay from Eladio. Gaby wants to know what is going on between David and Regina. David tells her they had already broken up, he never felt this way for any girl. It is unfortunate that nothing can happen between them. Erick barges into Eladio’s office and demands his balance. He knows Eladio was behind his business deal. Eladio reminds him he has no evidence to prove it and secondly he got what he deserved. Erick was promised 50 million not 50 cent, Eladio makes fun of him. He promises to pay Erick if he can provide the contract that states he was supposed to get 50 million. Erik didn’t sign any contract; well this is what happens to Idiot like him. Erick knows Eladio is doing this because of Monserrat but he assures he won’t end here. Eladio wonder what he is going to and asks him if he is going to tell his dad. Erick he will make him pay and leave Elaido laughs. Erick enters his bedroom and sees Miguel with Consuelo, he gets angry and end up throwing punches at each other. Nina comes in and takes her son’s side and asks Miguel to leave the room. Nina of course blamed Consuelo for her fail marriage and tells her she is not a good wife. Erick forbid his wife from speaking to Miguel again, she tries to explain why Miguel was with her.
Consuelo thought he was going to be happy when he hears he is going to be father. But of course she was mistaking and Erick would have preferred the baby died. Erick returns to the bar to drink away his foolishness. He calls Monserrat who hasn’t been picking his call. He decides to leave a message which you don’t want to hear. Elaido visits Arturo in his office, Arturo asks him to leave, they have nothing to talk about. Elaido wonder if he doesn’t want to know who betray him well it is his son Erick. Arturo doesn’t believe and asks him to leave. Eladio assures him it is true and shows him the payment he made to Erick. [adinserter block=”10″] Miguel informs Regina about the fight he had with Erick. They chat about Erick and Consuelo’s marriage and Miguel confesses he is in love with Consuelo. Eladio continue to mock Arturo for Erick betrayal. Augustin begs Arturo to control himself because Eladio is only provoking him. Arturo doesn’t listen to him and tells Eladio he is doing this because Erick slept with Monserrat. Arturo doesn’t understand how he can cheat on Julia with someone like Monserrat and wonder if Julia is aware. Eladio tells him what happen in his marriage none of Arturo’s business is. He caresses his ring and tells Arturo Julia belongs to him. As soon as Eladio leaves, Arturo starts throwing things around and vows to kill him. Regina and her brother talk about their impossible love. Regina feels they fell in love with the wrong person. Arturo wants to speak with Erick; Augustin wants him to calm down. Arturo can’t believe his own son will betray him. Well he did and Augustin shows him Erick’s bank statement to confirm the amount Eladio mentioned. Arturo is heartbroken and can’t believe his own sold him to his worst enemy.
Eladio wants to know if David ended his project at Queretaro. David tells him no, he intend to finish his project and joins him in the company. Eladio congratulates him but he hopes David understand he has to use Regina to get inside information about Arturo business. David doesn’t understand what he meant and want clarification. Eladio brushes him off and asks David to come with him to the board meeting. Erick isn’t picking daddy’s call so Arturo decides to go home. Augustin asks him to calm down so he doesn’t do something he regrets later. He knows Arturo is hurt but he wants him to remember that Erick is his son. Arturo feels Erick should have thought about it before betraying him. Finally, Austin and his family arrive in Acapulco; Clarita can’t wait to go to the beach. Consuelo and the baby are both fine, Regina joins her in the bedroom. Consuelo tells her about the conversation she had with Erick. Regina calls him an Idiot and feels the most important thing is that the baby is alive. Arturo comes home and asks Petra to inform Erick to come to see him as soon as he arrives. Nina comes nagging about the fight and request he throws Miguel out of the house. Arturo won’t do such a thing, Daniella tells him Miguel fought with Erick over Consuelo. Nina tells him Miguel always defend Consuelo like he is in love with her. Miguel comes to Consuelo’s room to check on her, she tells him she is fine. Regina decides to leave them alone but Consuelo prefers she stay. She doesn’t want to be Miguel alone in the room when Erick comes back. Miguel asks her not to worry, he is leaving.
Petra rushes in and informs Arturo Erick just came home. Nina comes in and continues whining about the fight. She wants to listen to what Arturo has to say to her son, Arturo doesn’t mind. At least she will know the stupidest thing he did in his life. When will Franco learn to keep his mouth shut? Eladio tells him about Arturo’s reaction when he told Erick betrayed him. Franco has a great idea; he wants Elaido to inform the public Erick betrayed his own father. Eladio bangs the table and calls him stupid, doesn’t he know if people find out they will lose the contract. Arturo confronts Erick about the leaked information, Erick denies. Arturo will never forgive him for betraying his own family and punches him hard on the face. Eladio talk to his lawyer on phone about his inability to keep Caridad in prison. Franco enters and hides to listen to his conversation. Franco wants to know what woman he is taking about. Elaido reminds him it is none of his business. Franco apologizes then wonders why Elaido never showed him a picture of his parent. He only knows his father was working for him. Elaido changes the subject and tells him it is not time, they have work to do. Arturo feels like kicking his son out of the company and the house. Erick shamelessly tells him he will find another job. Daddy assures him it will never happen if they find out what he did. Nina comes to her son’s rescue and feels it is a misunderstanding. Nina wants her son to prove her otherwise, Arturo shows them his statement. Erick cries and plays the victim, he had no idea Eladio was behind it. Arturo doesn’t care whether he knew or not, he betrayed him. His betrayal caused him to lose millions and the trust he had in Erick, which he will never, ever get it back. Nina begs Arturo not to say so; Arturo tells her it is the truth. He turns to Erick direction and tells him the worst of all is that he did it to please his lover.