Passion And Power Episode 26
Regina pays a surprise visit to Julia at the foundation. Julia quickly hides the letter she was reading. Justin holds his wife lifeless body and cries. Regina assures Julia she truly loves her son. Julia hopes she is aware the relationships between both families are not good. Regina is aware and wants Julia to know she is with David for love. Julia holds her hands and tells her she admires her. She feels it is incredible that she is Arturo’s daughter. Regina wonders why. Julia gently caresses her face and tells her she reminds her so much of her father. Justin calls Clara to inform her about Maribel death. he has no idea how to tell Lusita. he takes the phone from Francisco asks him to count on him for whatever he needs. Julia thanks Regina for clarifying her intention with David. Regina actually didn’t come to do that only. She also wants to help Julia at the foundation. Julia appreciate her offer but reject it. She prefers to avoid confrontation. She assures Regina if Eladio sees her around it will end badly. Monserrat assures Aldo Erick will call her as soon as he sees her text message. She sends the message in which she asks him to call him. she has something to tell him about his wife. As soon as Erick receives the phone he calls and she convinces him to come over as soon as possible. Julia shows Regina the door and asks her to leave. Julia tells her Eladio can’t meet her here. She hopes from the bottom of her heart she and David are happy together. Regina wants to know why Eladio hates her father. Julia tells her apart from the fact that both father are business rival, Nina also can’t stand her. Regina wants to know more but Julia suggests she asks her mother. As soon as Regina leaves, Julia takes Arturo letter and says things are becoming complicated.
Arturo and Eladio have business lunch in the same restaurant but at different table. Regina goes straight to Francisco’s place and informs him about her visit to Julia. Back at the restaurant, Eladio is yet to convince his guests to be on his side when he notices Arturo. He gets up and confronts Arturo; Arturo has no idea what he is talking about. Eladio punches him; Arturo returns the favor and punches him back. Callo tries to intervene, Arturo pushes him away, he tries again and Eladio holds him back. Eladio wants to know if he ruins his project to get revenge for what Erick did. Arturo doesn’t deny it and tells him it is obvious. Eladio feel it is obvious Erick is not man enough to defend himself. Arturo asks him not to mess with his family, Eladio wonder what he is going to do. They get ready for another set of punches. Unfortunately the restaurant staff asks them to leave. David assures Regina he loves her and won’t give up on their love just because someone opposes. Arturo and Eladio change the subject to Julia. Arturo confronts him for mistreating her; Eladio reminds him she is his wife. Gaby informs Julia about the argument she had with Franco. Julia tells her Franco is just like Eladio. Julia advises she ends it if not she will end having difficult relationship just like her. Julia informs her about Regina’s visits; Julia doesn’t think she can help them. She feels Eladio will do everything possible to separate them. Julia also informs her Arturo agreed to take the DNA. She feels she can finally prove to Eladio that David is his son. Gaby asks if she is not scared about Eladio’s reaction when he finds out. Julia tells her Arturo kissed her. Gaby doesn’t thinks she should have allowed Arturo to kiss her. She reminds her aunt she has always been on her side but this time she is not.
She wonders if Julia thought about Eladio’s reaction when he finds out, Julia obviously did not think. Gaby wants to know if she disapproves David and Regina relationship because she is scared of Eladio or because she hopes to get back with Arturo. Agustin reproaches Arturo for provoking Eladio. Julia asks her niece to relax; she is aware nothing can happen with Arturo. Eladio barges into Julia’s bedroom and rudely asks Gaby to leave the room. He grabs Julia’s arm violently and demands to know the truth if she doesn’t want to get hurt. Eladio caresses her lips and asks if she has been seeing Arturo. He leaves her arm and tries to hold her throat but she tells him she hasn’t. Eladio hopes she is not lying and tries to leave. Julia wants to know where he is going. Eladio wonder why she cares, she tries to explain herself but he brushes her off. He turns and get closer to her, Julia tries to push back but he leans over.[adinserter block=”10″] He asks her if is scared or feeling guilty. Franco informs Marinita about the fight between Eladio and Arturo. They plot; Marinita wants to inform her friend from the press. Franco doesn’t think it is a good idea. He tells her he has a find a way and make up with Gaby, Marinita gives him mean face. Eladio wants to know if he driver has been following Julia around, he says yes. Eladio wants to know if he follows her all the time, he says yes then later says no. Eladio wants straight answers; is it yes or no. well the driver took Julia’s secretary to the bank, but they didn’t keep long. Eladio tells him then his answer is no and calls Callo to drive him to the foundation. Consuelo wishes Erick could also worry about her pregnancy. She asks Regina to be the baby godmother. Regina accepts and wonders who is going to be the godfather. Consuelo feels Miguel but she doesn’t want to get in trouble with Erick.
Speaking of Erick, he is busily chewing Monserrat’s lips. She turns him on then decides to tell him about Consuelo’s past. Eladio searches through Julia’s stuff at the foundation and question the secretary if no man has ever visited Julia. She tells him no, she only received a female visitor. He throws her out of the office and finds Arturo’s letters among her documents. He crumples the letter as he mention Arturo’s name. Monserrat took time and made copies of documents to prove her point. Erick is furious and heads out to confront Consuelo, Monserrat rejoices. Consuelo tries to chat with MIguel but he reminds her she didn’t want him as friend. David wants to know what happen with Regina. Regina informs Miguel and Consuelo she is going to Queretaro the following day. Julia wants to see her son happy but she doubts they can overcome the rivalry between their fathers. David doesn’t care about his father’s opinion he only cares about Julia’s. Daniella and Petra cook when Nina calls Perta. She puts Daniella in charge and leaves. Daniella takes advantage and add extra pepper to the sauce. Erick comes home and furiously throws his pregnant wife on the bed. He demands to know why she didn’t tell him she was a prostitute before she came to the orphanage. Nina also goes through Arturo’s stuff; Regina enters and informs her about her trip to Queretaro. She asks her mother if she ever had a confrontation with Julia. Nina tells her yes, because Julia was rude to her. She wants to know why Regina is questioning her and why. Regina tells she wants to know who she is dealing with since she works with David.
Arturo enters and Nina asks her to find out from her father. He knows the Gomez Lunas better, Regina notices his bruises but he refuses to talk about it. As soon as Regina leaves, Nina wants to know what happen with Eladio. Erick refuses to let Consuelo explain herself and threatens to divorce her. Daniella serves her parent and hopes daddy likes the food. Eladio interrupts Julia quiet time and accuses her of cheating. Julia wonder what wrong with him, he takes out the letter and assures her they will pay.