Road To Destiny Episode 12
Hernan calls Camila to invite her out for dinner just the two of them without Mariana. Pedro returns home and meets his daughter in the kitchen. Amelia is in her room and Fernanda doesn’t want to disturb since she is sad. She tells him her mother told her about her family. Pedro is a bit surprise because Amelia told her a different story. Fernanda feels sad for her mother because she has no father and mother. Fernanda wants to ask him for permission to go out with Camilla to meet her father. Pedro gives her permission and hugs her, Fernanda asks God to forgive her for lying to her father. The doctor and Carlos explain to Fernando that he needs to have a bypass heart surgery. Fernando is a bit concerned and wants to know his change of survival. Carlos admits it is very dangerous but with the right treatment and medication he will be better. Camilla is ready to leave with her father but she first want to go to Fernanda house. Pedro gives a rose to Amelia; he doesn’t even get a thank you. He tells her Fernanda told him she spoke to her about her family. Amelia wants to know where Fernanda is, Pedro tells her with Camila and her father. Pedro wants to know what she decided to tell Fernanda about her family. Amelia wanted Fernanda to know the reason why she is always sad especially after she saw Mariana. Pedro wants to know if her father is dead, she tells him no. Pedro tries to touch her in order to console her but he dares not. Luis enters his bedroom and notices the plants Pedro gave Mariana. He doesn’t understand why Pedro should give her a plant, and tells her she is the boss. She should not be receiving flowers from the gardener. Mariana asks him if he is jealous, he tells him no and leaves. Camilla and her father arrive at the Perez’s mansion. Camilla came to give him a gift because Fernanda told her it was his birthday.
Pedro tells her it is not his birthday; Fernanda told him she was meeting them for lunch. Speaking of Fernanda she is by the riverside waiting for her favorite doctor. He finally joins her; he wants to know if she loves him. They end up cuddling, running all over and she introduces him to her small boat. Hernan tells Pedro he never invited his daughter out. He only came here because Camilla told him it was his birthday. Pedro wants Camilla to explain herself; Amelia tells him there is no need because Fernanda is liar. Fernanda is worried, she is sure Marisa will never accept her. Carlos assures her she will because she only wants his happiness. Pedro and his wife argue about Fernanda behavior. Amelia makes it clear that she doesn’t hate Fernanda but doesn’t spoil her like him. Fernanda feels bad because she lied to her father. Carlos wants to talk to Pedro about it but she refuses. Pedro can’t believe Fernanda lied to him, Amelia blames him. Isabella tells her sister; Carlos may end their relationship because of a school girl name Camila. Carolina tells Camila a lady in school told her she is dating a doctor but she didn’t believe her. Amelia intends to take her daughter to see the gynecologist. Pedro doesn’t agree with her and tells her Fernanda is not like her.[adinserter block=”10″] She gave herself freely to Luis without even thinking of the consequences. Isabella wants her sister to confirm if Camila is indeed dating her boyfriend Carlos. She tells Carolina Carlos belongs to her and she won’t let a school girl take him away from her. Amelia is offended by Pedro statement; she always knew he will use it against her. She won’t let him insult her; Pedro didn’t mean to insult her. He didn’t like what she said about his daughter, which daughter Amelia asks him. Pedro tells her Fernanda is his daughter whether she had her with another man.
Amelia tells him with Luis, she gave herself to him because she loves him. Pedro reminds her that he deceives her but he … him what? Amelia tells him Luis is not a coward like him. Pedro has been around her for the past 19 years hoping that she will one day love him. She assures him it will never happen and tells him he has no dignity. Pedro leaves and she starts and she with her usual ungrateful talks. Marisa informs Luis that Carlos confesses he is love with the school girl who is suing him. Carlos and Fernanda spend the afternoon together. First in the river, Carlos makes fire to dry themselves. They have no idea where destiny will lead them but they are willing to make it work. Andrea calls Luis and invites him over. Luis soon joins her though he was with his wife when she calls. Luis doesn’t want her to come to his house again, just at that moment Marisa calls her. Andrea agrees to come to her house the following day, Luis is pissed off. Amelia reads her 19years old letter she gave to Pedro to be given to Luis. She takes out Luis’s picture and cries over it. Fernanda and Carlos run into Clarita and Cesar at a restaurant. She tells Cesar she is dating Carlos. Felipe goes to the spa to talk to Carlos but Isabella tells him he is not with her.
He went to treat a private patient Fernando Altamirez. Pedro takes solace in alcohol; Fernanda and Carlos join Cesar and Clarita at the same table. Mariana tells Fernando Carlos father is Luis Montenegro. Hernan feels Carlos is the perfect match for his daughter Camilla. He wants her to get to know him, Camilla tells him she already know Carlos, he even in love with her. Fernando asks Mariana how she got to know Carlos was Luis son. She tells him in the hospital during a conversation. Mariana asks him about the conversation he had with Carlos about his will. Fernando didn’t discuss his will with anyone.