Shadows Of The Past Episode 117
Silvia asks Tomas to accompany her to the party at Aldonza’s house. The priest joins Don Antonio at the balcony. He wonders why he is not celebrating Emmanuel’s freedom. Don Antonio assures him he is very happy for him. The priest tells him he notices that he is a sad; they end up chatting about Severiano and his evil deeds. Melesio tries to explain to Dominga how they rescue Emmanuel. She prefers to confront him about Marga, he tells she is the lady his friend was in love with. The owner of the Candy house she gave him the last time. She tells him she was planning to divorce him; they both laugh and make peace. Tomas makes everyone laugh at the party expect Renato. Pato notices it and asks him, if it is his imagination or he is jealous of Silvia and Tomas. She says no, they are only friend but he doesn’t think Tomas is the right man for her. Lola joins Aldonza outside and asks her to if she doesn’t want to celebrate.
Aldonza tells her she is not in the mood to celebrate, Lola sit and start complaining about Emmanuel and Veronica. Aldonza confesses to her that Emmanuel is her and Christobal’s brother. Aldonza cries to her uncle about the news, he tells her he thought that child was Lola. He tells her she is a bit too hard with Adelina but she disagrees. Severiano spend his night drinking in his office, he wakes up and goes for his gun. Aldonza joins Emmanuel outside and tells him she wants to talk to him. She tells him she loves him very much like the brother she never had. She has some good news for him, but the truth is it will be very painful. She asks him if he remembers she promised to help him find his father. Emmanuel says yes, does she know him, she says yes, she knows very well. Severiano goes to the stables and point his gun at Solitario. Aldonza tells Emmanuel he was born here, she means this house. His mother is Roberta.
He is her brother, he watches her without saying a word. Christobal shows up in time to prevent his father from shooting the horse. Emmanuel confirms what she told him, she says yes and tries to hug him but he refuses. She tells him what happen and he demands to know who his father is. Severiano orders Christobal to give back his gun to him. He wants to kill this animal because it belongs to him. Christobal refuses and advises him to calm down because he is drank. Severiano tells him he is ungrateful and leaves. Christobal replies and tells him he disgusts him, Severiano says nothing and leaves. Emmanuel refuses to believe Aldonza; he feels she has always known the truth.[adinserter block=”10″] She tries to convince him that he just found out but refuses to listen and leave. Adelina tells the priest what happen the night Raymundo died and begs him not to tell Aldonza. Christobal rides Solitario to Aldonza’s house; Lola informs him that Emmanuel is out of jail. Aldonza went to waterfall. She suggests he joins her, he hands over Solitario to her. Emmanuel goes to the bridges where he once helped Roberta and recalls their conversation.
Dominga begs Candela to open her door; Dominga tells her Christobal told her about Severiano other child. Candela informs her that Emmanuel is the child of Severiano and Roberta. Emmanuel goes to Humberto to confirm what he just heard. Humberto tells him he was expecting him, Emmanuel asks him to look into eyes and tells him what Aldonza said was a lie. Humberto tells him Aldonza told him the truth. Emmanuel tells him all the admiration he had for him just die. He shouts and demands to know why Humberto did that, Humberto tells him his position as a doctor. Humberto assures him from the day he brought him into his house he loved him like his son. Christobal joins Aldonza, she tells him Emmanuel is their brother, the baby was a boy. Prudencia informs Valeria she is returning home with her. She asks her not to worry she has already spoken to her doctor. Valeria tells it is not the right time for her to leave to place especially now. She assures her mother that there is something going on but she still doesn’t know what it is. Christobal is very furious with his parents; Prudencia reminds her it is not the first time. Valeria assures her this time it is not about his relationship with Aldonza. Christobal found out his father has another child.
Irma made the mistake to ask Lola what she thinks about Severiano. Severiano scolds his workers for betraying him, he actually whips them. Emmanuel rushes in and holds him and tells him he curses his presence in his life. He pushes him and spit on him, Severiano tries to whip him but Christobal shows up. He asks Severiano how can he send his own son to jail, even animal don’t treat their children this way. Severiano tells him it is not the place and time to talk about this issue. Christobal refuses to listen, and tells him it is rather Emmanuel who deserve an explanation. Emmanuel tells him he doesn’t need any, he doesn’t want to have anything to do with him and Aldonza. Especially with the honorable Severiano Mendoza and leave. Severiano goes inside and Christobal follows him. Candela recalls the day she advised Severiano to take away Roberta’s child. Candela runs into Christobal and tells him she is ready to talk to him but he refuses to listen. He goes to his room to pack his stuff to leave the house. She joins him and begs him not to leave but he doesn’t listen. She tries to close the suitcase, so he decides to leave without it. She follows him and tries to stop him; he grabs her to push her aside. Unfortunately she falls and rolls over the staircase and lays unconscious on the floor.