Shadows Of The Past Episode 121
Silvia cries for help till one waiter comes to help her, he uses his apron to clean her face. The priest tells Emmanuel at his point he is not the son of Severiano Mendoza but a child of God. He tells no matter his situation, he should be proud to be called Emmanuel because before God no one has a surname. The two men who attack Silvia bring her phone to Prudencia in which they recorded the attack. She congratulates them for doing a job then pays them off. Humberto attends to Silvia at the clinic. They hold her hands tight to administer some drops into her eyes, she cries uncomfortable. They manage to put the drops ten put some cotton on both eyes and cover it. Renato and Pato come running to the clinic; Renato tries to find out what happen but the nurse insists he wait for the doctor. Tomas joins them at the clinic and tell him what happen. they attack her, took her phone and pour something on her face. Tomas tells them Prudencia is behind it and tries to leave but Pato stops him. Tomas tells him he is going to confront her, Pato asks him to calm down. He asks Tomas if he is sure of what he is saying, Tomas assures him he is, he knows Prudencia very well. She paid those guys to do the job for her, she made it clear to him she won’t allow any lady to get closer to him.
He is sure it is Prudencia and tries to leave again but Pato stops him. They manage to calm his down and assure him if Prudencia is indeed responsible for the attack. The will make her pay but right now Silvia need them. Veronica visits Emmanuel, she says hi to me but he doesn’t reply, she joins him in bed. Emmanuel is coiled in the bed with his face facing the wall, Veronica touches him and he mistakes her for Lola. She repeats Lola’s name then he turns and notices it is Veronica. She turns to leave and hears him crying, she comes back and hugs him. Lola recalls the conversation she had with Aldonza about her love for Emmanuel. Father Jeronimo encourages Aldonza to allow Emmanuel to first deal with the news. She tells him she is very happy she has a brother like Emmanuel. The priest tells her he is happy for the two of them, she tells him the three of them. He is also Christobal’s brother, Renato calls to inform her about Silvia’s attack. Irma begs the man to give her some more time to pay him back; Lola comes and sees him leaving. She asks Irma what he wanted, but she refuses to tell her, Lola begs her to tell but she tells her it is just a minor problem. She can handle it but begs her not to tell anyone about it. Lola asks her even her husband and Mari, Irma tells her especially them. Irma tells her they know nothing, Lola asks knows what.
Aldonza joins them at the clinic but Renato tells her they still don’t have any news. Aldonza asks him who attack her and why, Renato tells her they don’t know. Aldonza asks him to calm down, Silvia will be fine, but he tells her if anything to her he won’t forgive himself. Aldonza tells him he is not responsible for what happen to her but he disagrees. He made her come to Santa Lucia and he could not take care of her. He even treated her badly, she is an excellent woman and he is an idiot. Irma tells Lola she had to take a loan to save her shop because her husband didn’t want to help. Lola tells her to inform Uriel about it but she refuses. Flavia goes to see Adelina but she refuses to talk her because they have nothing to talk about. Flavia begs her to listen to her she had something very important to tell her. Gonzalo also Joaquin in his house, he tries to introduce himself to him. Joaquin tells him no need he knows very well who he is, his wife boyfriend. Prudencia mixes drugs and alcohol and lamenting to her maid. She later hugs the maid and tells her she loves her very much, and then tries to get up but she falls. The maid tries to help her but she asks her not to touch her and pushes her away. Humberto finally comes out to inform them about Silvia, he tells the she is sleeping at the moment. He had to sedate her because she was anxious and in pain, both eyes were affected. Renato asks him what was use on her, he says it is a mixture of pain, solvent, and other chemical. He can’t tell how bad the retina and other important organs were affected but he has already contacted a specialist. He tells them her situation won’t be permanent but it depends on the damages that the chemical causes.
[adinserter block=”10″]She may recover her sight fully or partially but at the moment she can’t see. Pato asks him if she can be blind she says he doesn’t know but it is possible. Severiano enters Valeria’s room and sees her packing her dresses, she tells him she is returning to her house. He caresses her face and asks her not to leave; she doesn’t know he needs her. She asks him why, he tells her she is more important to him that she can imagine. She makes him feel something that he never felt, then brings his mouth closer to kiss her but she refuses. He manages to convince her and she allows him to kiss him, but before it happen. They heard Christobal calling his father, Christobal enters and sees them hugging. He asks them what is going on; Severiano asks him does he want to know. He doesn’t care about the wellbeing of his child. Valeria decided to leave the house because the way he treats her. Christobal asks her to leave then, she tries to explain herself but he asks her to excuse them. He wants to talk to his father alone; she walks out and leaves them in her room. Christobal asks his father to tell him the whole truth. He doesn’t know him, he knows nothing about Severiano. He blames his father for making Aldonza and her family leaves Santa Lucia. Severiano tells him he has nothing to prove it. Gonzalo assures Joaquin nothing between him and Flavia but Joaquin tells him he doesn’t care. The only reason Flavia is around him is because of their child. He doesn’t care what she does with her life. Gonzalo tells him Flavia has repented for all the wrong she did, and assures him she still loves him. Mari comes to the shop and sees her mother crying but they both refuse to tell her.
Mari asks her if she heard from Pato, Lola says no, Mari informs her about Silvia’s attack. Veronica suggests to Emmanuel they go to El Santuario to see Solitario. Christobal took it there when his father tries to kill it. He thanks her but refuses it; he tells her he needs nothing. She informs him that their ranch is always available for him, in case he wants to return. Tomas sits beside Silvia and recalls the conversation he had with Prudencia. He assures Silvia it won’t end this way, Aldonza and Renato decide to leave but Pato offer to stay behind. Lola joins him and he tells her Silvia is feeling bad, very bad, she didn’t deserve this. Prudencia’s maid helps her to get up and Silvia’s phone falls on the floor, the maid put it in her apron. Aldonza updates her uncle and Adelina on Silvia’s attack, she also inform them she has already reported her father death to the police. She gave the bullet to them to text it against Severiano’s gun. She tells him Severiano was even present, Adelina asks her how he reacted.
She says he went crazy, the priest asks her if he said anything in particular, she says no. She tells them she imagines they know nothing about what happen, Adelina confirms that know nothing. Aldonza enters Emmanuel’s room and sees him crying shirtless on the floor, she tries to touch him but he refuses. She sits on the floor beside him and assures him she will have all the patience until he realized that she needs him just like he also does. She tells him she loves him very much brother. He has no idea how happy she is to have him as a brother. She tells him Lola is also suffering very much. He is the love of her life and he is also the perfect man for her. Father Jeronimo tells Adelina if Severiano didn’t tell the truth to Aldonza, it is because he also participated in death of his brother. Severiano waits for the inspector at the entrance of the police station late at night with the intention of bribing him to get his gun back.