Shadows Of The Past Episode 125

Shadows Of The Past Episode 125

The priest begs Aldonza to put the gun down, Severiano dares her to shoot. The priest asks her not to listen to him and asks her not to dirty her hand on someone who doesn’t deserve it. She should not do something that she will regret for the rest of her life. Severiano yells at her to shoot, the priest also yells at her to stop until she listen to her uncle and put the gun down. The priest asks him to leave; Severiano makes the sign of the cross, blows a kiss at her before leaving. Christobal comes home and wonders why his mother is still awake. He tells her about the discussion he had with Aldonza and Candela tells him Aldonza always blame his father for whatever happen to her. She hopes he defended his father but Christobal says no, she asks him if he really thinks his father is guilty. He tells her the only he knows is that she and his father are capable of doing many things that he can’t even imagine. She tells Aldonza is the only one responsible for whatever happen, how she can accuse someone of killing somebody who took her own life. After the mass Humberto and Renato discuss about what happen to Adelina. They both believe that she didn’t kill herself, Humberto tells him Severiano was very furious when he found out he was given to El Santuario to Aldonza and Emmanuel. He thought he will be his next victim but never imagine he will rather take it on Aldonza’s family.
Candela enters Valeria’s room and sees her crying; Valeria tells her she could not sleep. She feels bad because Christobal will use Adelina’s death to get closer to Aldonza. Candela asks her not to worry; Aldonza herself doesn’t want him around. Candela asks her she did the ultrasound, she says yes probably she will get the result tomorrow. Christobal tells his father he is the only one Aldonza suspect for the death of her aunt. Severiano tells him he gave the chance to Aldonza to take her revenge on him but the poor girl could not do it. Christobal asks him if he is going crazy, he says no, his only intention was to present his condolence. Christobal decides to leave but Severiano tells him Aldonza already know who killed her father. After the autopsy, the doctor informs the police inspector the substance found in Adelina’s body do not match the pills that were found around her. Humberto tells them the pills might be have been purchase on the market and confirmed that Adelina didn’t commit suicide, she was murdered. Humberto assures the police inspector Severiano is the only person that would be capable of killing Adelina. Father Jeronimo and Emmanuel discuss about Severiano and his evil deeds. Emmanuel tells him despite the fact that he is his father; he has no respect for him. The only thing he feels for Severiano is hate, the priest understands him.
However he doesn’t Emmanuel to have such feeling towards Severiano. The priest tells him he wants to ask him for a very big favor; Emmanuel is ready to fulfil it. The priest asks him from now on he shouldn’t leave Aldonza alone. Emmanuel swears on his life that he will always defend Aldonza. Emmanuel apologies to Aldonza for treating her badly, when he found out they were siblings. He tries to explain to her but she interrupts him and assures him he doesn’t owe her any explanation. She understood who he was feeling; he tells her he got angry at her and Christobal while they were not to be blamed. But after the death of her aunt, Aldonza reminds him it their aunt. He rectify himself, and tells her how much he loves her and informs her he will be staying with her then they hug. She thanks him but request to be left alone, he decides to go see Solitario. Aldonza goes to Adelina’s room and takes her father picture. She tells him an angel is joining him and begs him to take very good care of her. Dominga leads the police inspector to Severiano and leave. Severiano sarcastically asks him if he heard about Adelina death, the inspector tells him yes. He asks Severiano where he was last night; Valeria walks in and tells him he was with her. She introduces herself as Severiano’s nice and Humberto’s daughter and shakes the inspector’s hand. She assures the inspector she was home with Severiano last night, the inspector takes his leave. Christobal visits Aldonza at home to apologies on his parent’s behalf.
[adinserter block=”10″]She asks him not to worry; he is not responsible for their action. He asks if it is true that clarified thing about her father’s death, she says yes, he was killed by her mother. Christobal asks her who told her, she says his father, and her aunt also confirmed before she died. He asks her if she knows what happen, she tells him her father got know that her mother was having an affair. Her father uses the cutlass to cut his father’s hand so her mother shot him. Emmanuel takes Solitario for a ride and assures him he is his best friend. For the first in his life he feels he belongs somewhere. Candela tells Severiano that Christobal is convinced he has something to do with the death of Adelina. Dominga also told him about what he did in the church and reproaches him but he tells her he doesn’t care about what people thinks about him. She keeps talking until he gets angry and grabs her neck and pushes her against the wall. Emmanuel gets to the waterfall and sees two kids trying to open something that looks like a coffin. They tell him they found treasure so he decides to help them. They manage to bring it out of the water and Emmanuel uses a stone to open. No treasure rather Simonetta dead body, he quickly asks them to go and call the police. Valeria goes to sees the priest, she tells him she is sorry for Adelina death but she came to see him because she is desperate and needs his help. She wants him to convince Christobal to change in mind, Christobal respect him so he will listen to her. She then asks him if he knows what she is referring to, he tells her yes. She knows she is guilty for what happen but so is Christobal. She tells him Christobal doesn’t want to marry her because of his niece.
The priest tells her it is the consequence of their immorality and advises her she face it. Christobal goes to see Humberto and begs him to tell him the truth if Adelina really committed suicide. Humberto tells him they are investigating the matter so he really can’t say anything as at now. Humberto promise to inform him as soon as he knows anything, Christobal changes the subject. He asks Humberto to tell him exactly how his father lost his arm, Humberto keeps with the agreed version. Christobal gets angry and yells at him to tell him the truth, he knows he was it cutlass that was used. Christobal tells him what Aldonza told him and asks him if it is true. Humberto tells him he wasn’t there when it happen, the only things he know. His father lost his arm the same night Raymundo died, Renato visits Aldonza to console her. He assures her she can always count on him for whatever she need. She tells him what she needs is to find out if her aunt truly committed suicide. She doesn’t believe that story and thinks Severiano planed it all. Valeria hands over the ultrasound result to Candela, she is happy that her grandson is doing well.
She also informs Candela she went to see the priest to ask him to convince Christobal to marry her but he refused. Tomas, Renato and Pato are all present when the doctor takes Silvia’s bandage off. He massages it a bit, helps her to stand on her feet then asks her to open her eye slowly. She opens it and sees Tomas smiling; she laughs and runs into his hand. Candela opens her eyes and sees Christobal standing next to her. He tells he wants to know if she was his father’s accomplice about the lie they told concerning how he lost his arm. She tells him she doesn’t know what he is talking about but Christobal assures her she does. He asks her not to make him lose the little trust he has in her, she still insists he has idea. Christobal decides to break it down for her and asks her if she knew his father didn’t lose his arm in an accident. But it was Raymundo who used his cutlass to cut off his arm when he saw him with his wife. She assures him she didn’t know but she never believes his accident story. She didn’t want to get involve so she didn’t investigate. He tells her how disappointing in is in them and assures them they are gradually losing him.