Unforgivable Episode 104
Manuel raises his hand about to strike; he says to himself he doesn’t care if their grandfather didn’t change his will. He feels he is the only one who deserves everything and directs the knife into Ana Perla direction. He raises his head and sees the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe then hold back. He turns and sees another image of Jesus. He tries to strike again and meet Crescencio’s image. He watches his grandfather’s pictures, then casket suddenly closes. The noise startles Ana Perla and she turns to sees him holding a knife at her back. She moves towards the casket and begs him not to kill her. He pays no attention and tries to run after her. She moves to the other side and begs him more. Manuel opens the casket and the candle burns him in the process. Ana Perla takes advantage and run off. The priest returns and realized she is no more in the church. Manuel tries to run after her but hold his burnt hand and cries of pain. Raymunda sent a letter to the priest informing about Polo’s disappearance. She also wants him to go ahead with the burial service in case they don’t return. Manuel meets with his accomplice and orders them to remold the stolen gold into La Perla mold. They remind him that he hasn’t paid them what he promised. He is not ready to pay them the agreed amount and threatens before he leaves. The secretary tries to prevent Veronica from entering into her office at the Prado Castelo’s office. Veronica begs her; she allowed her in but asks Veronica to be quick. Aaron plans another attack on Martin. Veronica opens her mail and realized she was in prison visiting Aaron at the same time the mail was sent to Cepeda. She feels it will prove her innocence. She is so sure Virginia was the one who sent the mail. Jorge, Emiliano and Virginia have breakfast and discuss the deal with Cepeda.
Virginia plays her card well; she praises Emiliano then turns to Jorge. She knows she made some mistakes but she promise to make it up them. Salma joins them and Virginia decides to leave. Jorge hopes she and Virginia settle their different. Emiliano tries to talk but Jorge doesn’t let him. They both leave to the office, leaving Salma alone on the table. She picks up her phone and calls Nicolas. Martin loses him temper and punches one of guy sent by Aaron. The second guy takes out his knife and points it at him. The guard arrives and they accuse Martin. Veronica walks into Virginia and accuses her of sending the information to Cepeda. Virginia of course denies it and Veronica wastes no time in informing her she was in prison when the mail was sent from her account. Manuel’s accomplices make their own plan. Veronica goes to prison to see her husband but her darling father gives her the news. Martin is in solitary, she tries to leave but he stops her. He is also Martin’s cellmate; he threatens to make life miserable for Martin. if she doesn’t give him what he demands. Martin peeps through the solitary widow, then put one or two things together. He realized that Manuel is the only person who has motive and means to exchange his gold. Jorge gives the go ahead to Virginia to negotiate with Manuel for the gold. The priest questions Manuel about Ana Perla’s whereabouts. The priest wonders if he got burnt by the candle in the church. Manuel informs him he has no one idea about her whereabouts. The priest decides to inform the police; Manuel threatens him to back off.
He reminds the priest the church in his grandfather’s land which belongs to him now. Ana Perla enters Pablo’s apartment and sees him with Mariana about to leave for New York. She hides and listen to their conversation, Pablo wants to call Ana Perla. Mariana refuses and asks him to let be a surprise to Ana Perla. She sees Mariana caressing Pablo’s face and leaves without hearing the end of their conversation. She concludes that Pablo is back with Marian. Veronica arrives in Mina Escondida and Magdalena informs her that Ana Perla is missing. Ana Perla goes to Veronica’s house in the city and doesn’t find her. She prays to the Saint Lorenzo and wonders why Pablo betrayed her. Pablo and Mariana take a picture together at the airport. Pablo excuses himself to leave a message to Magdalena. Mariana takes advantage and paid the photographer before joining him. Ana Perla sees a notice of house help wanted and decides to apply.[adinserter block=”10″] The woman employs her but has another evil plan for Ana Perla. Claudia visits Martin in prison to give him some good news concerning the construction company. She of course flirts with him first. Joaquin goes round looking for his son. He doesn’t get any news about Polo but sees Lo Morenita’s mold. He takes out his handkerchief and uses to wrap it. A woman rescue Polo and Dorita, she asks them to return home. Raymunda sees them on their way; she hugs her son and asks him for forgiveness. Joaquin and Blanquita join them and Raymunda promises they will be a family once again. She also gives her permission to Blanquita to return to the city to study.
Joaquin takes the mold to the office; he meets with Veronica, Botel and Madgalena. Veronica tells the person who stole the mold, is the same person who stole their gold. Virginia visits Manuel in his office to buy his gold. Manuel asks her not to worry; they just discovered a lot of gold. Veronica suggests they offer a reward for whoever can provide them information about Ramigo. Virginia calls Jorge to inform him that she made a good deal with Manuel and got the gold. Jorge is glad and congratulates her. He tells her he should have trusted her instead of Veronica. Veronica and others hire Junacho to spread the news about Ramigo. Emiliano goes to judge to also try to incriminate Veronica in the fake gold saga. He hands over a file concerning copies of the confidential information to Cepeda. He tells him he has no intention to put Veronica in jail, but he wants the judge to know Martin and Veronica plans everything. Aaron plans another attack on Martin’s life. Juancho doesn’t need to spread the news, he sees Manuel accomplice in the bush and runs to inform Veronica. Ana Perla sees Mariana and Pablo on the front page of a newspaper. According to the paper, they are in New York for their wedding. The judge analyses Emiliano’s document and conclude that Martin is indeed guilty. The lawyer informs Martin that if Veronica doesn’t get enough evidence to prove his innocence. He may end up spending 8 to 10 years in prison. Veronica and Botel lead the police officers to Manuel’s accomplice.
They arrive in time to catch them running away with the gold. They however manage to escape, Veronica tells them what they need is gold to prove Martin’s innocent. The police quickly write the report and hand it over to Veronica. Manuel receives the bad new and swears to make them pay. Magdalena informs Veronica that Martin’s hearing is on that same day. Veronica informs them she is going to Mexico to prove her husband innocence. Aaron informs Martin that his fate will be decided today. Manuel informs Virginia he has no intention to sell the gold to her anymore. Veronica is caught up in heavy traffic on her way back to Mexico. Martin hearing begins. The judge informs them he has enough evidence and declares Martin guilty. Just at that moment, Veronica tries to walk pass the guard to enter the room. She informs the judge that she has evidence to prove her husband innocence. She shows the police report to the judge. Jorge and Emiliano look more shocked than surprised.