Unforgivable Episode 23

Unforgivable Episode 23

Jorge tells Salma he feels like he knows Magdalena but doesn’t know where. Martin and Veronica cuddle in bed while chatting. she tells him about her experience growing up without her parent and they laugh. Botel tells Magdalena that the veronica’s childhood pictures resembles her missing daughter. it is on unfortunate she could not see it. Virginia tries to make Emiliano stops drinking but he refuses. Nicholas intervenes and Emiliano tells him it is only Veronica who can make him stop drinking. later he asks Mariana to go to Mina Escondida and bring her back. she asks him to stop embarrassing them and suggest they leave. Ana Perla overhears her grandfather crying and praying to God for direction concerning Manuel. Martin and Veronica are still enjoying some quality time in bed. they smile like a happy normal couple. they decide to play a game and whoever lose removes one dress. Ana Perla joins her grandfather and asks him to stop crying. she tells him even though Manuel also treats her badly she is also sad. she doesn’t want him to stay in jail. Martin and Veronica are both naked under the sheet. Veronica is asleep with her head on his chest. Martin is awake and talking to himself. he is so much in love with Veronica that he is willing to forgive her. but it will mean betraying the promise he made to his death brother. he doesn’t know what to do. he doesn’t want to lose Veronica and hate hurting her this way. he kisses her forehead and Veronica woke up. she smile at him and tells him she will make him a delicious breakfast then kiss him and leave.

Pablo runs into Ana Perla he tells her he has already spoken with Veronica. she didn’t t promise him anything though. Ana Perla begs him to take her to Veronica. Jorge watches Veronica’s picture and overhears Emiliano and Virginia chatting about last night. Emiliano informs her he is meeting Claudia and leave. she later calls Daniel who is mad at her. she didn’t pick his call last night. she tells she went out with some friend. Daniel is sure Emiliano is one of those friend. Nancyiaga enters the bedroom without even knocking. she sees Veronica feeding Martin. Martin asks her to wait until he is done with his breakfas. she turns and says she sees changes on the way, many changes and leaves the room. Mariana informs the Prado Castelo that Pablo sends her a fax informing her Martin was stabbed. the doctor is not around to attend to him. Jorge ask Emiliano to inform Botel. Virginia realizes that if Martin dies. [adinserter block=”10″] Veronica will be back so she pretends to be worried. she asks them to do something. Martin tells Veronica he still doesn’t know what to do about Manuel case. Martin asks Nancyiaga what she thinks. she also thinks he should consider it. Pablo introduces Ana Perla to Veronica. Ana Perla apologizes for Manuel behavior and begs on his behalf. Veronica tells her she has already spoken to Martin. Manuel paces in his cell. he swears to take revenge on everyone as soon as he get out of jail starting with his grandfather.

Emiliano suggests he goes to Mina Escondida to check on Veronica. Jorge thinks he should rather go so Emiliano can represent him in the business trip. Matilde says she also want to go and see Veronica. Virginia tells them she had an idea. Magdalena suggests Botel returns to Mina Escondida to attend to Martin. he refuses he doesn’t want her to run into her husband all by herself in Mexico. Daniel enters the house and Virginia begs him to accompany her to Mina Escondida to attend to Martin. Veronica helps Marin to dress. he informs her he has decided to drop the charges against Manuel. but he wants to speak with Cresencio to tell him his condition. the Padro Castelo convince Daniel to go to Mina Escondida. Jorge agrees to pay for all his expenses. Salma and Jorge disagrees with him going with Virginia. they informs him they want another doctor to check her heart for a second opinion. Veronica asks Nancyiaga if she had anything to do with Martin change of mind concerning Manuel. Nancyiaga says she can see a lot of trouble in that family. Veronica tells her everyone knows that.

Nancyiaga asks Veronica to believe in what she says. since her future is not very bright. Veronica asks her what she means. she says she can see tears in Veronica’s heart. Veronica is speechless. Daniel and Virginia argues in the office. he doesn’t like her taking advantage of him she re- assures him. he reminds her is not Demetrio for her to intentionally send him to the jungle and forget about him. Veronica asks Father Juan to inform Cresencio to come see Martin to discuss about Manuel freedom. the priest says he doesn’t understand how Martin can forgive certain things but can’t forgive others. Claudia goes to church to pray for Martin recovery. Botel and Magdalena narrate Magdalena stories to the Private Investigator. we see how she was separated from her daughter and husband. Virginia convinces Claudia to go to Mina Esocndida. she promise her to pay for her trip. Martin informs Cresencio he has agreed to drop the charges against Manuel. first he want to informs him about his condition