Unforgivable Episode 63
Martin tells her he will let the doctor checks on her to see if she can travel but in case he says no she won’t go. Daniel continues with their scheme, he tells Jorge and Emiliano that Virginia’s heart has become very weak because of the malaria. He was able to control it to avoid another crisis, Emiliano wants to see her but Daniel refuses. Martin tells Alfredo that Veronica is very worried about Magdalena and wants to go to Mexico. He fears she will take advantage and go see Emiliano. Alfredo tells him not to worry and advises he controls his jealousy if not he will lose her forever. Raymunda takes care of Manuel’s wound and scolds him for his attitude, he begs her to intercede on his behalf. He promises to change and even suggests she convinces Joaquin to give him a job. Polo returns from school and sees them together; he gets scares and drops his book on the floor. Martin promises Alfredo to work on his jealousy, for him, Veronica and their family. The neurologist shows up and Martin takes him inside to see her. Manuel goes on his knee and asks Polo to forgive him, the little boys reminds him of all the harm he caused him.
Salma goes to chapel to pray; Jorge joins her and informs her Virginia is stable. Claudia left a message for Pierre, he listen and decides to call her. The doctor informs Veronica, she is still not in the position to travel. Martin asks her not to be sad and promise her to see Magdalena as soon as she is ok. He asks her to get ready for the dinner engagement; she tells him he has to help her get dress. Martin takes advantage and they start kissing. Jorge and Salma go in to see Virginia, Salma asks her to fight for her life because of Emiliano. Virginia plays the dying patient, Jorge apologies for doubting her. He realized she is good a woman, he loves her like his own child. [adinserter block=”10″] He approved her relationship with Emiliano to get married. She looks at them with tears rolling on her face and turns her face away. Aaron hold Magdalena’s hand and sleep, she manages to free herself when the phone rings. She picks it and runs to the bathroom to talk. Veronica apologies for disturbing her, but she is worried about her and intends to come to Mexico to see her. Raymunda convinces her son to forgive Manuel; he hugs him and thanks him. Daniel tells Emiliano he just receives Virginia’s lab test but he is a bit worried. He just discovered she is pregnant, and asks Emiliano if he knows the father of the child. Daniel suggests they call the father to inform him, Emiliano tells him there is no need.
He is the father of that child; he and Virginia have been dating for some time now. Daniel informs him she had a miscarriage, the baby died as a result of the malaria. Manuel tells Juancho he couldn’t convince his grandfather but managed to fool his aunt. She agrees to ask her husband to allow him to work at the mine. Raymunda tries to fulfil the promise she made to her nephew but her husband is too smart to believe it. He assures her Manuel was lying to her, and tells her if Manuel wants a job, he should ask him personally. Daniel watches Emiliano still in shock about the news he gave him and smile. Emiliano asks him if Virginia already knows about it. He says no, as a father of the child, he prefers Emiliano tells gives her the news. He advises him to give her all the support she may need, Emiliano begs him not to tell his parent. Nancyiaga informs her elders they were wrong, she and Emiliano are not destined to be together.
They assure her they were not, and it is her duty to bring him closer to her. She refuses to believe it and informs them she is in love with Martin. Cresencio gives the final instruction before the guests arrived, Raymunda and her family shows up first. Raymunda tries to talk about Manuel but he interrupts her he doesn’t want to ruin his moment. Martin admires his wife as they walk to the dinner; he goes back to the room to get the wine. Nancyiaga shows up and stands behind Veronica and frightens her. She asks Veronica if Emiliano is really getting married to Virginia. Veronica confirms it, and Nancyiaga looks worried, Veronica asks her why it is important to her. Nancyiaga doesn’t mind her and runs off, Martin Pierre and Pablo in his attire show up. Pablo asks Veronica what she thinks of his dress, they all laugh at him. Emiliano goes in to see Virginia; he tells her Daniel just informed him about her pregnancy. She touches her stomach and tells him how happy she is to give him a child. He tells her the baby died because of the malaria, she starts crying uncontrollably, and Emiliano runs off to call the doctor. As soon as he leaves the room, she stops crying, and starts eating candy. All the guests are ready, waiting for the bride to come; Polo comes down announcing her arrival. They all get up to welcome her, Pablo quickly tries to go and bring her but the priest stops him.
He informs Pablo that her grandfather has to officially hand her over to him. Crescencio leads the way and gives his speech; he informs Pablo what he is supposed to do for his granddaughter. Julio gets mad at Nancyiaga for giving him a wrong message. Virginia finishes with her candy and hides the sachet before Daniel and Emiliano comes in. as soon as she notices them she starts crying again, Daniel quickly runs to her and pretend to take care of her. Daniel leaves and she continue with her game, Emiliano tries to console her but she keeps crying and tells him she wants to die. Desperate Emiliano begs her to calm down and suggest they try again, she quickly smiles. Cresencio continues with his long speech until Polo starts snoring, he pauses for a moment then continue. Cresencio asks Pablo about his family, just at that moment his mother walks in and he introduces her to them. The therapist comes to Magdalena to have their section but she refuses to let him in because Aaron is around. She suggests they reschedule, he leaves and Aaron reminds her of their deal. He confesses to her that her daughter was adopted by a wealthy family.