Unforgivable Episode 67

Unforgivable Episode 67

Salma tells Monserrat she wants Claudia far away from Emiliano, she gets upset when Monserrat informs her she is meeting Claudia in the hospital. Just at that moment Claudia shows up at the hospital and Salma does the introduction. Monserrat returns home and read the note in which Mariana informs her she is going to Mina Escondida. Pablo says goodbye to his mother at the riverboat, she once again begs him to be very careful about Manuel. She gives him his blessing and promise to be back for the wedding. Julio informs Pablo about Manuel threats to kill Don Crescencio. Watch out for Polo and Dorita love story, he met on the street and offered her his ice creams. Pablo warns Manuel not to hurt Ana Perla or any mother of the family if not he will personally kill him. Manuel tries to punch him but Pablo dodges him and they start fighting until Martin comes to separate them. Ireri enters Nancyiaga’s cabin and sees her taking her bath with the place full smoke. Nancyiaga tells her she came to relax and find answers, Ireri decides to leave but she asks her to stay. She needs a friend to talk to, Ireri advises she forget about Martin because he already has a wife. She shouldn’t expect to be happy when she will end up destroying someone else life.
Pablo tells Martin about Manuel’s threat and tells him he won’t let it happen, Manuel tries to fight him but Martin stops him. Manuel asks him not to interfere, Martin reminds him of their deal. Pablo tells Martin it will be impossible for Manuel not to cause trouble, Martin tells Manuel he will take him back to jail. Daniel wakes Virginia up with a kiss but she scolds him because someone might see them. He informs her Claudia is here to see her, Virginia surely doesn’t want to see her she fears she will ran into Emiliano. Just at that moment Claudia enters and Virginia fakes a smile. Daniel decides to leave them alone, Claudia tells her she tries on several occasion to see or talk to her but Salma refused. Virginia pretends to be surprised and tells her may be it is because of her relationship with Veronica. Claudia reminds she lost her job and Martin because of Veronica. She asks Virginia to beg Salma not to treat her like Veronica did with Martin. Virginia tells her she is happiest woman on earth. She and Emiliano are getting married, Claudia pretends not to be affected by the news and congratulate her.
Emiliano joins them and Claudia congratulates him in a very different way. Pablo tells Manuel he will also report him for threating to kill his grandfather and Julio is his witness. Manuel tries to run away when Martin says they should to go to the police. Julio stands right in front of him, and Martin and Pablo hold him back. Magdalena and Botel arrives at the hotel and meets Veronica at the reception. Magdalena calls her Veronica my daughter before hugging her. Manuel voice interrupts Crescencio and his granddaughter conversation; they turn and see Martin and Pablo dragging him. Martin informs them they are taken him to prison, because Manuel threatens to kill him and the rest of his family. Crescencio tries to scold him but feels bad, Julio rushes to inform the doctor. Martin and Pablo let go of Manuel and take Crescencio home. Veronica notices something different about Magdalena’s attitude and asks her if she is ok. Botel intervenes and tells her she is only happy to see her. Magdalena tries to say too much but Botel asks her to control herself. Magdalena refuses and tells Veronica she has something very important to tell her.
[adinserter block=”10″]Magdalena tries to tell her she is her daughter but Botel stops her and gives her a sign not to tell her. Magdalena changes the subject; Veronica tells her she is glad things are fine between her and Botel. She asks her if she was able to find her daughter and Magdalena nods her head, Veronica smiles and hugs her. Polo takes Dorita home and introduces her to his family; she joins them to have lunch. Salma and Monserrat join Emiliano and Claudia in Virginia’s room. Salma asks Claudia if she has already spoken to the man who will give her the job. Claudia decides to leave to make the call; Salma prevents her from going near Emiliano. Mariana arrives at the hotel and asks Romeo if Pablo is around or not. He tells her he is but he is not around at the moment, she wants to know where he is. Romeo tells her he went to see his mother off, Mariana tries to get more information but he asks her to speak with him directly. Manuel begs Martin to give him another chance, seeing the look on Martin’s face he turns to Ana Perla. Pablo asks him to shut up because no one believes his words anymore. The priest joins them and Manuel assures him he didn’t mean his threats. The priest also doesn’t seem to believe him especially after the way he is been behaving, Cresencio and Ana Perla walk in. Manuel tries to help him be he refuses; Pablo tells him if Cresencio want to punish Manuel, the best way is the prison. Manuel begs not to, he is willing to do whatever they ask him.
Ana Perla also pleads on his behalf for her grandfather’s sake. Veronica tells Magdalena she needed her so much to give her advice on what to do with Martin. She though she will never forgive Martin for thinking she had a relationship with Demetrio. Magdalena tries to change the subject but Veronica insists on talking about it. She realized that if Demetrio was Botel former partner, it means Magdalena and Botel knew Demetrio and Martin were brothers. Martin, Pablo and Crescencio agree that the only place for Manuel is prison. The priest on the other hand thinks prison won’t do him any good. Manuel begs for one more last chance, he was angry because he wasn’t invited to the dinner. He turns to Martin and asks for forgiveness for treating his wife badly. Martin decides to give him another chance but he has two option, he either go to prison, or work in his mine. Crescencio believes it is good idea since Joaquin doesn’t want him to work in his mine. Manuel turns to him to beg but his grandfather asks to take this opportunity. Manuel accepts to take Martin offer for his to prove to his grandfather that he can change.
Emiliano informs Virginia she will soon be discharged, she suggests they go Cancun as soon as she is discharged. Ana Perla tells Pablo she is glad they gave another opportunity to Manuel, Pablo still believe Manuel can never change. If it was up to him alone, Manuel should rot in jail, the priest advises Manuel not to mess up this time. Matilde joins Veronica and Magdalena at the table and Veronica tells her Matilde is like the mother she never had. Magdalena asks her how she would feel when she sees her mother again. Veronica tells her she will never forgive her abandoning her and leaving her with her father