Unforgivable Episode 72
Mariana tries to fight Ana Perla but Raymunda stops her, Cresencio orders Manuel to throw Pablo out. Raymunda and Blanquita also throw Mariana out, Aaron manages to make Jorge’s Secretary give him more information about Veronica. She tells him about her adoption and assures him Veronica is a good woman but she hates her mother so much for leaving her behind with her father. Magdalena and Botel talk about the DNA, she anxious to have it done and know the result. Botel asks her to calm down and not to tell Veronica anything until they get the result. Claudia and Pierre run into Emiliano and Virginia in Cancun, Virginia waste no time in showing them her ring. Claudia tells them she also can’t wait to get engaged, go shopping for her gown, plan her wedding and other stuffs. Pierre looks a bit uncomfortable, Emiliano jokes and tells him if he scared of getting married. There is a boat available that can take him back to France. Manuel and Julio drag Pablo and Mariana to the riverboat and order them to leave as soon as possible. Pablo refuses to leave without clearing things up with Ana Perla whether they like it or not. Manuel takes out his gun and points it at him, Julio begs Manuel to put the gun down but he refuses. Julio tries to take the gun away from him and Pablo get shot in the hand in the process. Ana Perla hear the gun shot and run to join them shouting Pablo’s name.
Pablo holds his hand full of blood; Manuel feels no remorse and still points the gun at him to leave. Magdalena offers to do Veronica’s hair for her. Julio begs Manuel to stop and tries to take the gun; in the process they fire one bullet again. Pablo rushes to Manuel and struggle with him to take the gun and a third bullet is fired again. Martin holds the V pendant necklace and contemplates, he wants to return it to Virginia and end his revenge. He wants to have a happy life with Veronica, just at that moment Veronica and Magdalena come in. Martin decides to leave and go to the police to report Manuel, Matilde walks in. Magdalena intentionally pulls Veronica hair to get some in the brush for the DNA. Veronica laughs and asks her to take easy. Matilde on the other hand notices that she did intentionally and demands to know why but Veronica tells her she is exaggerating. Matilde knows what she is talking about, Magdalena behavior seems like she is hiding something. Mariana screams and cries thinking that it was Pablo who got shot again, but Manuel goes on the floor. He received a bullet in the stomach, Ana Perla comes running towards Manuel and start crying. Magdalena challenges Matilde and tells her she will never hurt her daughter.
[adinserter block=”10″]Matilde reminds her she was the one who raised Veronica like her daughter. Veronica once again intervenes and asks Matilde to relax, but Matilde insists. Magdalena agrees to confess, she tells Veronica that Matilde is right, and kneel before Veronica. She tells her she intentionally pulled her hair because she needs a sample to prove that she is her daughter; Veronica asks her what she is talking about. Magdalena tells Veronica she is her real mother. Dorita first day in school and our little Polo is the happiest boy in class. Magdalena narrates to Veronica how she got to know about the truth but Veronica refuses to believe. She thinks Magdalena is confused but Magdalena tells her she is not. Veronica hides behind Matilde and asks Magdalena to leave her room. Magdalena begs her and tries to explain to her what happen. Veronica asks her to leave and tells her she wants nothing to do with her. Ana Perla asks Julio to call Botel and blames Pablo for killing her brother. Mariana asks Pablo to leave before they put in jail for killing Manuel but Pablo refuses. Ana Perla also asks him to leave because she will never forgive him.
Matilde intervenes and begs Veronica to give Magdalena the chance to explain. Veronica refuses she doesn’t want to listen to her lies and asks her to leave. Matilde decides to leave them alone and begs Veronica to at least listen to Magdalena. Veronica let go of all the anger she had for her mother and tells her it is too late for regrets. She will never forgive her and will always hate her. Magdalena tells her she is not been fair to her, and reminds her that her father was a drunk and abusive man. Veronica doesn’t care, Magdalena should left with her not with her lover, she refuses to listen asks her to leave. Virginia tells Claudia she is glad she and Pierre are dating and advises she hold tight unto him. Claudia tells her he doesn’t want to get marry because anytime she brings up the subject she fell uncomfortable. Virginia advises her not to talk about marriage because she put him under pressure. Matilde tries to convince Veronica to give Magdalena another chance. Veronica refuses; she feels Magdalena left her to start a new life with Botel. Martin walks in sees her crying, she rushes into his arms and tells him Magdalena just confessed to her she is her real mother. Crescencio refuses to calm down, he wants to go and search for his grandchildren. Joaquin and his wife offer to go with him but he refuses, he leaves and runs into Botel attending to Manuel.
Julio tells Crescenio that Pablo shot Manuel without telling him how it actually happens. Martin consoles his wife, just like Matilde he advises she listen to Magdalena explanation. She feels offended because he is taking Magdalena side; he assures her he is not. Magdalena doesn’t seem like a woman who will intentionally abandon her own daughter so he wants her to listen to her explanation. Manuel is in bad shape; he lost a lot of blood and requires blood transfusion as soon as possible. He has to be transported to Mexico; Botel suggests they do that by helicopter. Crescencio tells him to do whatever he feel is necessary to save his grandson. Cresencio and Botel head to Mexico and ask Joaquin to inform the other about the news. Martin sees Magdalena crying in the street and approaches her, she assures him things didn’t happen the way Veronica thinks. Joaquin interrupts them and informs them about Manuel condition. Veronica refuses to eat or do anything, Martin informs her about his conversation with Magdalena. She refuses to listen to him, he asks her to try find out the truth not for Magdalena but for her own good.
She wants to return to Mexico to talk to Jorge; Martin feels she is trying to avoid Magdalena. She changed the subject and asks him if he was able to press charges against Manuel. Martin tells her Pablo shot Manuel. Pablo wake up in a hospital bed and sees Mariana weeping beside him. He asks her what the doctor told her, she tells him his hand was badly affected. He won’t be able to paint again, he tries so hard not to cries but could not hold his tears.