What we’re watching (January 20, 2024) MGG


Live-ish Watches
My Demon: I’m holding off on episode 15 until they are both out, but very excited. As for 13-14: I am still really into this show. I’m not sure exactly what it is, but the leads feel magnetic to me and I’m so invested in their lives and happiness.

Death’s Game: I powered through and I’m glad I did! I watched Kim Jae-wook’s episode almost entirely through my fingers, but the whole thing was so well acted and really knew where it was going, which I so appreciate.

Older Dramas
Stealer: The Treasure Keeper: romantic hints all around! They didn’t quite have time to push any of the ships fully into the water, but they left them all open and that’s enough for me. Maybe it was because I watched the last two episodes in a few different chunks, but the end felt anticlimactic to me, although I’m glad Huin-dal featured prominently. Still, honestly I don’t mind. This drama was so much fun.

K-action Movie of the Week
Mission: Possible: It’s been a little while since I watched a K-action movie and this was a great way to jump back in! I love the trope of “acts like an idiot to mask absolute competence” and Kim Young-kwang does it so well! His grin is so infectious and it’s so fun to see him in a role so completely removed from where I first saw him (Call It Love). Lee Sun-bin is great here too, but there’s no way around it – her character is just not as fun as his. Then again, his character wouldn’t shine as much without her earnest top-of-the-class energy, and I really enjoyed her too. There is a massive tonal shift that happens somewhere in the middle (and they go from knocking bad guys out to shooting them pretty quickly), but it’s somewhat justified and pretty interesting to watch. I sort of wish we’d gotten more backstory for both of our leads so that we could understand their motivations better, but that’s not really what the movie is, and I respect that. What we get instead are super fun action sequences (the kitchen fight scene might be my favorite) and KYK taking people out while wearing a plaid suit that matches a tablecloth. Since that’s what I signed up for, I’m happy.

Random other thing
Yuri on Ice: My partner and I blasted through the 12 short episodes of this show this week, and it was so great! For a show that is almost entirely a string of skating competitions, I was surprised how much I was on the edge of my seat for every performance, and I truly didn’t know who I wanted to win in the end. It’s a very understated romance, but incredibly sweet, and I love how much they both grew over the course of the season. The opening song has been living rent free in my brain for the past week and I’m not mad about it.


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