What we’re watching (January 27, 2024) MGG


LIKE FLOWERS IN THE SAND—(ep 10) Still in love! Trying to decide whether to wait to watch the final two episodes together or just gobble up episode 11. My fellow viewers, do you have advice?

THE HOPE(CH)—I could write an essay on how well done this was. I did not want to leave even though we were given closure.

MY MAN IS CUPID (ep 13)—I continued watching for Jang Dong Yoon but I am finding I am enjoying this once I got over the bumpy tonal shifts and I just ff through the filler. Although I care more about the Joseon story and I think JDY has better romantic chemistry with the actress who plays the past life court lady.

REBORN (CH)—A melancholy crime drama that follows a police officer who lost his memory in a gunfight and is suffering PTSD. The novel part is that no one—including him and us—are sure if he was a dirty cop who set up the incident in the first place.

AN ANCIENT LOVE SONG (CH)—Beautiful drama that plays with time, but it is also hard to watch for me because you know going in that this is not a happy ending (unless there is a big twist).

OH NO, HERE COMES TROUBLE! (TW) —only one episode in and I can’t wait to continue. It was a perfect premiere episode for me and I lap up the crazy blend of poignant drama, supernatural horror and comedy. It will fill the hole that I AM NOBODY left, I think.

THEY KISS AGAIN (TW)—nostalgic and fun to rewatch. The cast chemistry is natural, the cinematography is a little clunky in a good, old drama (2007) way, and the story is not demanding.


IU’s LOVE WINS ALL MV (with Kim Taehyung)—this music video is as good as (and better) than many dramas. In a short 5 minutes I fell for the characters, wanted them to win, and my heart was devastated. It is emotionally gripping, beautifully grim and desperate, and wonderfully acted. IU and V are tremendous as actors, especially considering the constraints of the shoot (you know if you have seen it). On the singing side, I mean it’s IU. I could listen to her sing recipes.

Highly recommend to anyone who loves a good story and doesn’t mind having a box of tissues ready.

MAGE AGAIN—A surprising webtoon and I want to give a standing ovation to the artist and author who put the BIG twist IN PLAIN VIEW.

ELECEED—an unwilling master takes a naive but supremely talented apprentice. Done many times, right? The genius is the characters and the expressive art. I have laughed out loud reading it just for the expressions. No spoilers, but cat lovers would enjoy this one.


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