Wild Skin Episode 046
Sister Isabel tells Patricia that Rosa wants revenge on her for having denounced her to the police for the crime of killing Leoncio Lopez Mendez. Patricia is scared and wonders how in the world Rosa discovered that it was she and Maria Amelia who denounced her. Sister Isabel tells her that it was Maria Amelia who finally felt remorseful and after a lot of depression and regret, told Rosa the truth.
Henry tells Max that the letters should be given to Camila as they are from her mother to her aunt Esperanza and maybe then can she have a hint of her mother through the writing. Max is happy because he knows Camila will be ecstatic to see the letters.
Father Tiziano finds Camila and Chantal playing together and Chantal asks Camila if she will really get married to Max and hopes that after they are married, they can adopt her.
Ezequiel asks Leandro aggressively what he told Fausto about the death of Marco and wants to know what his son’s answers to Fausto’s questions were. Leandro says he said he did not know if Marco committed suicide or not. Ezequiel asks him if he doubts that Marco committed suicide.
Fausto tells Fernando that they have to hit Ezequiel with everything they have and informs him and Roger about the DNA test that Camila took which proves her not to be related to the Lopez-Mendez. He suddenly realizes that Camila could be of use to them for their next move.
Sister Isabel leaves as Patricia is telling her that she is as guilty as all of them in the incarceration of Rosa and even calls her out for being in contact with Rosa.
After Sonia, the secretary tells Max that Camila is nowhere to be traced (and he insist that they continue trying to get through to her) Astrid arrives from her trip and tries to enchant Max but he tells her politely to remember that he is engaged to Camila. She notices the box and touches it deeming it pretty but Max stops her telling her it is Camila’s and then Astrid receives a call from an unknown person and leaves while telling the person on the other end that is has been long since they last talked.
[adinserter block=”10″] Sister Isabel finds Camila with Chantal and Camila asks her where she has been to which Sister Isabel replies by saying she has been visiting a friend of hers who she had not seen in a long time and a generous contributor to the orphanage. Chantal tells Sister Isabel of her wish to be adopted by Camila and Max and Sister Isabel asks her playfully why she wants to leave the orphanage and Chantal says that’s she just wants to have a mother and father and Sister Isabel is a nun and cannot have kids. They all laugh and Sister Isabel hugs them calling them her family which God gave her especially her daughter Camila. Camila finds this weird but brushes it off.
Gregory arrives home to find his mother drinking a lot and wonders what is up with her but she says she is just feeling restless. She tells her son that if Fausto asks for her to tell him that he has not seen her the whole day. He asks Fanny what is up with his mother and she tells him the Madame was fine up until the arrival of a nun.
Celso asks Julia out on a romantic date and indicates to her that she had best tame down if he is not to ruin her as he has leverage and she asks what it is but he leaves her in suspense to think of his offer without giving her a clue of the photos he took.
Astrid meets up with Fernando in a posh club and he wants to know what is going on between Camila and Ezequiel and she says that she also finds it absurd that Ezequiel wants actually marry the girlfriend of his son and Fernando exclaims that Ezequiel is treading on a dangerous path.
Patricia visits Elda and drinks while telling her the story of how she and Maria Amelia were the ones who denounced Rosa to the police and Elda tells her not to worry and just go back home because she clearly has no control over the situation and needs to relax.
Sebastian tells Father Tiziano of how his life is in conflict because of the serious vocation he took and the temptation of leaving because of the love he feels for Amelia. Then, Amelia arrives and wants to speak to Father Tiziano. She also wants to open up to how conflicting the situation because of what she feels for Sebastian and how she knows he loves her because he told her so.
Celso asks Julia if she thought about going to the romantic date with him and Ezequiel arrives and asks if they have set a date for the wedding but Julia says that they need time to know each other more and it does not matter how long it will take as long as it is the right time. He expresses how much he wants her married and leaves. Celso behaves accordingly with her in pretense but warns her that they should be on level ground because he too has leverage on her and with that, he leaves.
Gregory arrives home to find his mother drinking some more and expresses that he is worried about her because she looks deathly pale as if she just discovered something serious or as if she has been found out of being involved in a serious crime like having an affair. He expresses that Fanny told him about the nun who came and visited her and Patricia decides to go see her husband.
At Caprice, Patricia tells Fausto about the visit that Sister Isabel paid her and finally confesses about how she and Maria Amelia denounced Rosa for the murder of Leoncio yet she was innocent. Fausto swears he will not let anything happen to her as the whole world knows that it was Rosa who killed Leoncio.
Just as the gossip at Chila’s salon is getting hot, Roger arrives to take Rosario out. A few seconds later, Javier arrives and Chila lies that Rosario went out to visit an aunt of theirs who is very sick.
Leandro tells Max about the argument Ezequiel brought up and thinks that he betrayed him and Leandro’s nervousness causes him to have a panic attack and faint. Octavia and Max calm him down till he is alright.
Amelia finishes her confession with Father Tiziano and finally talks to Sebastian. He tells her that his feelings are complicated with his vocation and it sounds as if he suggests that they try and see if it will work out and then Amelia refuses completely because she wonders what if it does not work, will he go back to his vocation? Point blank- she wants a commitment for life.
[adinserter block=”10″] Fausto tells Patricia that all they can do is stick to the original story that has been told all this time about how Rosa killed Leoncio and Ezeuqiel killed Augusto.
She arrives home and finds Torrealba questioning Gregory about the hit on Sebastian and then sends him up to his room. Patricia asks him if Sister Isabel has sent him to her and Torrealba notices her nervousness and asks her what she has discovered about the Rosa Blanco tirade.
Fernado tells Fausto of Ezequiel’s plan to marry Camila. Yeli calls him and he ignores the call. Meanwhile, Yeli is nervous because Fernando will not reply to her calls and Camila lectures her for being stupid but later comforts her by saying maybe his phone is off.
Fernando goes home and finds Torrealaba interrogating his mother and wonders if everything is alright. Patricia asks him to leave kindly.
Max arrives after having looked for Camila the entire day and tells her of the box given to him by Henry that contains the letters from Rosa to Esperanza and Camila is ecstatic as he had hoped.
Rosario arrives and is confused on who to choose between Roger and Javier is right for her. Just then, the two arrive simultaneously and when they see each other, get angered and Chila runs to them to stop an oncoming fight as Rosario hides.
Fausto visits Sister Isabel and asks why he visited his wife about the death of Leoncio.
Marcelina notices the box on the table and Doris tells her that Max left it there. She asks Doris to leave her and when she opens the box, she finds the letters and opens when of them and it reads to Esperanza from Rosa Blanco.
Check out episode 045
By: Ian Walter