Would You Rather #5 » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps MGG


Would You Rather #5

In dramaland, leading ladies often find themselves torn between the love of two equally attractive men — a choice none of us would want to make! But what if you did have to pick between the frustrating lawyer and the adorkable police officer? In this weekly feature, we ask you to make the difficult decisions — and we aren’t limiting our options to dreamy oppas.

Vote via the poll and feel free to use the comments to explain exactly how you were able to choose! So, Beanies:


I was honestly a bit concerned that last week’s prompt was too straightforward — especially since I couldn’t resist putting Gong Yoo and Lee Dong-wook as our examples. Surely it would turn into a popularity contest, right? And with such iconic leading men giving a face to the goblin versus grim reaper debate, I totally wouldn’t fault anyone for making a decision based solely on their preferred flavor of arm candy.

But, Beanies, you surprised me with your thoughtful — and well researched — selections, and your comments had me laughing out loud! The thread between @frabbycrabsis, @leetennant, and @hacja was particularly amusing because they really got into the minutiae of what their daily lives would look like if they actually dated either a grim reaper or goblin. Together, they came to the consensus that the grim reaper’s profession is far too, well, grim, which puts him at a major disadvantage against the likes of a goblin, who not only has a well-stocked library but dietary restrictions (according to Wikipedia) that make him an excellent dinner partner and designated driver. Plus, as @bogumlips also pointed out, there’s the whole instantaneous traveling thing that absolutely must not be.

Then again, if you are just choosing based on aesthetics (no judgement here!), grim reapers have a better track record for being the best dressed. Not to mention, as @gikata commented, they have an undeniably appealing “dark edgy aura” thing going on. Plus, you know, that tea room (if we’re talkin’ The Lonely Shining Goblin)…

No matter which way you voted, it was fun to see the results be an almost even split! I wonder if we’ll see the same happen next week?



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