Ask God For Forgiveness Episode 20
Abi kisses Diego with single tear dropping down her cheek just to provoke Mateo. He decides not to interrupts them and leaves Abi jumps off from the seat. Diego wonder what happen, she asks him to leave, she was confuse. She apologizes for breaking his heart and tells him they can only be friend. Mia feels it is too bad that Mateo miss the lunch prepared by Dianna. Helena apologizes on her son behalf and decides to leave. Dianna tells her she is always welcome in her apartment. Fausto sees Helena coming out of Dianna’s apartment and hides. Mia feels Helena is boring, Dianna cares less about Helena. She is marrying Mateo not Helena. Mia tells her if she doesn’t take care she will end up without Fausto or Mateo. Fausto follows Helena and asks her to come in for a lift, she obey without questioning him. He stops the car and warns her not to talk to Renata. Helena asks not to worry she knows what he is capable of. Fausto wants to know why she went to Dianna’s place. He assures her Mateo will never marry Dianna. She is going to help him convince Mateo. Helena wonders why, he tells her because Mateo is going to study. Macaria wonders why Fausto came with Helena. Macaria informs him about Patricio’s accident. Fausto comes home running asking Renata if she is ok. Patricio tells him she is fine, Fausto scolds Patricio. Renata defends Patricio. Fausto tells her she has to be careful especially now that she has to get pregnant. Patricio excuses himself; Fausto takes her to her room. Patricio runs into Mateo and informs him he is leaving the ranch. Mateo wants to know why but he tells him is personal. Fausto scolds Renata for putting her health at risk. She tells him nothing to her, he tells her she need to be careful. She is going to get pregnant; Renata tells him she is not. He tells her she will and he is won’t discuss it anymore. He forbids her from leaving the house from now on. She challenges him; he tells her he is her husband and worries about her.
Renata tells him he doesn’t care about her or anyone. he is egoist and only care about himself. She knows he can’t stand to see them close so he decided to provoke the accident for Patricio to leave. Fausto admits; it can’t stand to see them together. Renata informs him Patricio is leaving the ranch. he tells her not to close her door tonight. Patricio pack his stuff and recalls his conversation with Renata. Constanza enters his room and takes him for Pablo. She start crying and tells him he packing to run away with Renata. Patricio tells her is leaving the following day but alone. She begs and asks him to take Renata along with him away from Fausto. She knows he will make her happy because he loves. She wants him to admit he loves her. Patricio tells her yes, he loves Renata, Constanza asks him to leave with her. Dianna is pissed off and won’t Mateo’s explanation for missing the lunch. He manages to convince her and she informs him she has already chosen a date. Mateo tells her they can’t get married that soon because he is going to Mexico. Renata asks Abi to sleep with her in the room. Abi has no problem but wonder why. Renata tells her because she will feel secure when she is around. Abi wants to know what she is scared of sleeping alone. Renata prefers not to talk about it. Amanda already informs Macaria Abi will be sleeping in the big house. Lucio visits Macaria and tells her he came to keep her company because Abi is sleeping in the big house. She tells him she made a mistake to ask him for help but she longer needs him. Lucio assures her she can’t take Fausta down all by herself. He offers to help her but she doesn’t trust him, he tells her he knows Fausto secret. Macaria promises to give him a good time if he tells her about the secret. Lucio tells her Pablo is not the only man Fausto killed. She wants details and tries to flirt but he pushes her aside. He wants more than her kisses, she agrees and they start kissing.
[adinserter block=”10″] Fausto get dressed and enters his wife’s room. To his disappointment Abi is with her. Good job Renata, he shamelessly walks out of the room. Macaria and Lucio can’t find a spot to make love. They toss around till they finally settle on the bed and undress each other. Lucio night was so good that he end up recalling the argument that lead to Fausto’s brother death. Fausto’s brother found out he has been sleeping with his Helena on their wedding day. Little Lucio was present during the argument. Fausto’s brother point a gun at Fausto, but Fausto manages to make the gun slip from his hand. Little Lucio takes the gun and point it at Fausto’s brother and tells him not to insult his boss. Fausto’s brother reminds him he is his boss, the owner of this hacienda. He asks little Lucio to give him the gun, Fausto rather encourages little Lucio to shoot his brother. Little Lucio shoot Fausto’s brother in his heart. Lucio wakes up and Macaria wonders what wrong with him. Lucio get dressed and tells her he is leaving, she reminds him they made a deal last night. She fulfilled her part so he has to tell her, Lucio informs her Fausto’s brother. Abi tells Theodora about the conversation and kiss she had with Mateo. Renata joins Patricio at the balcony, he tells her he is leaving and thanks her. They both admit they had a wonderful time together. Patricio confesses to her he loves her. How does the blind woman react to a love proposal? She freaks out and tells him it is not possible. He holds her cheek and kisses her then apologizes. Dianna informs Aunt Mia that Mateo refused to get married in three months. Mia feels he is being influenced by Fausto. She prefers Fausto because he has more money and already old. Dianna tells her she loves Mateo, Mia tells her love doesn’t bring food on the table.
Fausto interrupts their conversation, they start kissing. Helena and Mateo walk in town. He tells her he is leaving with Patricio to town. She wants to know where he will stay since Fausto kicks them out of the house. He tells her he will rent a place. Helena wants to go with him but he tells her Abi needs her more than him. Renata informs Amanda about the conversation she had with Patricio but prefers not to talk about it. Mia peeps through the window and sees Mateo. She freaks out and wonders what to do. Theodora enters the house and sees Dianna and Fausto kiss in the hall. She closes the door and runs into Mateo at the entrance. She gladly let him and smiles. Mateo enters the house and sees a man shadow going toward the room. He decides to follow them, Dianna and Fausto decides to kiss before they enter the bedroom. Mia shows up in time and pushes Dianna inside and start kissing Fausto. Just at that moment, Mateo arrives and sees them kissing. Mateo didn’t except to meet Fausto in the house, Fausto tries to explain but he refuses. Mateo wants to know if Dianna is aware of their relationship. Mia tells him no, and gives him some silly excuses. Mateo leaves and Dianna comes out. Fausto takes Dianna inside and asks Mia to make sure no one disturb them and closes the door. Mia scolds Theodora for letting Mateo in while Fausto was also around. Abi recalls her kiss with Mateo at the lake. Renata also recalls the conversation she had with Patricio. Abi decides to join Renata in her bed, they are both sad.