La Gata Ep. 052

The Police Continues to Interrogate Pablo concerning Dominico’s shooting and he still tells them he knows nothing about it but they will not believe a bit of what he tells them because they believe that, Dominico can’t say anything like he being the one who tried to kill him when he never saw him bringing out a gun. Pablo then asked the authorities that, if he was the culprit will he have stood there after calling for an ambulance to pick Dominico to the hospital and also the police to help. But they answered him that, he truly did that only to prevent them from suspecting him. Esmeralda feels so worried for Pablo and she tells Silencioso that she wants to go give her statement to the police for Pablo to be released. Silencioso asks her to calm down since it was Pablo himself who asked Jarocha to protect her so to prevent her from getting into trouble with the police. Also she tells her again that, he has asked Damien to go see his counselor to take care of Pablo’s case.

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Virginia becomes so worried and very sad after Esmeralda tells her that Pablo has been arrested as the the police has accused him of attempted murder on the Italian.
Silencioso visits Pablo in prison and he tells him that he is really sorry to see him prison because as from that moment, he is never going to see Pablo as the son of his enemy because of the great sacrifice he’s made for his daughter therefore he has asked his lawyers to take up his case and he has the hope that justice will take its course in his life because he will do everything in his power for him to obtain his freedom and Pablo thanked him for his generosity. Mariano informs his parents that, Pablo has been arrested for attempted murder and Lorenza grows very worried and heartbroken.
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Mr. Dominico’s situation continues to get worse since his body refuses to respond to treatment and still remains unconscious. This situation has therefore made the authorities to transfer Pablo from cells to the penitentiary and he meets Carlos as his inmate. Mr. Silencioso allows Virginia to stay with him in his apartment since he sees her to have a good heart and also an innocent person and therefore if Carlos is in prison he can’t allow her to stay at the slum side alone without having any one to take care of her and Virginia thanked him very much and he tells Silencioso that he really has a good heart and that she is sorry for all the harm her family has put him through.
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