La Gata Episode 110
After Silencioso had pushed Lorenza out of his house for coming over to ask him for forgiveness. he orders his family not to open their house to her ever again because she is forbidden from entering. Mrs. Merche then tells Silencioso it may certainly be that Lorenza is a changed person so he should actually forgive her. Silencioso with all the experience tells them that. Lorenza’s conscience is bothering her because of all the many evil committed . therefore feels afraid to go to prison that is why only came over to apologize but whether she likes. not after sorting Esmeralda’s consent since she is the grandparents of her children. he is definitely going to start Lorenza’s proceedings in court. Whiles the keep talking, detective Pedro descends to inform Silencioso that Esmeralda has called. she confirm that Jarocha may be in one of the shanty hats since Ray is trying prevent them from entering that place.
Suddenly, Juan Gaza calls Silencioso to meet him at particular place and hand him the money. else he should count on not seeing Jarocha again. So Silencioso agrees to do meet and hand over the amount of money he needs. Lorenza arrives home and she says herself again that there’s no way she is going to allow her children to mix up with those poor people. Agustin seeing her crying asks her if he is to feel pity for her or to concentrate on awaiting his death. As it is he doesn’t know which of the two thoughts is worse. Mariano arrives and Lorenza tries to use him again to convince Esmeralda to forgive her. for Pablo to come back but Mariano tells her straight that, it is now too late for her to ask for that. Gisela continues to deny the fact that she was the one who shot Pablo in the head even whiles. she is in cell but Damien tells her that her screaming is never going to make the authorities change their mind on letting her out because as it is now. they making preparations on transferring her to the
[adinserter block=”10″]penitentiary. When Gisela noticed that she going to be put in prison for some years. she comes up with an idea of proving to have a high fever and the authorities believed to take her out instead to have treatment at the psychiatric hospital. though Damien tells them that she is just pretending with all those acts to get out of cell and to also avoid prosecution.
Gisela now escapes from prison but the judge still thinks that she is mad. after escaping, she persists on doing damage to all her enemies starting from La Gata. to be able to do that, she disguises herself to join and live at the Garbage dump. Tellico meets with Silencioso to take the money they arranged for but unluckily for him after Silencioso has handed him the moneY. he is surrounded by the police due to great and perfect plans from detective Pedro. Tellico to avoid another prosecution, he shoots himself before the authorities and after go they move to the shanty place to get Jarocha. Esmeralda then goes to see Mrs. Rita to give her the information about her son Tellico’s death. Esmeralda advises Jarocha to tell her past to detective Pedro since Tellico made mention to him before dying that she (Jarocha) was a prostitute. Jarocha takes the decision that there is no point in explaining anything to the detective. since by now after hearing that from Tellico he might not want to have anything to do with her again.
Esmeralda insists that she does that because true love doesn’t depend on past issues. Mrs. Rita, Chacharas and Jarocha go to pay their last respect to Tellico at the graveyard. Esmeralda finally declares her answer about Havier’s proposal to him. she tells him that, the only person she truly and would love is Pablo, and Havier accepts it as it is. Silencioso sits Fela down and she asks her to accept so they renew their marriage vows again since after his return from prison many things have really being though for them but still life has to go on and Fela becomes so happy about Silencioso’s proposal.