Shadows Of The Past Episode 109
Christobal enter his father’s office and tells him they need to talk about his lover Simoneta. Severiano tries to avoid they subject but Christobal asks him not to change the subject and demand to know where Simoneta is. Severiano asks him how does it concern him. Christobal him she is expecting his and Lolo half-brother. Severiano tells him he doubt it, he won’t accept that Simoneta’s child is his. nothing proves he is the father of that child. Christobal reminds him that thanks to technology he can easily find out. He suggests Severiano does a DNA. Severiano asks him why he is so worried about that woman and her son. Christobal reminds him that she is Lola’s mother. Severiano tells him she is in San Miguel. Christoabal asks him where exactly, he says he doesn’t know. Severiano tells him he had a deal with her and she is keeping her part of the bargain. Christobal asks him which deal. Severiano tells him to abort the child but Christobal says he doesn’t believe him. Severiano tells him instead of worrying about someone else child. he should rather worries about his. Aldonza informs Humberto that Emmanuel has been arrested.
Valeria, Severiano and Nava walk to the police station, Severiano assures her, Nava will help her mother to be released. He will also make sure Emmanuel rot in jail; they meet Aldonza, Renato and Silvia meet at the entrance. Valeria tells Aldonza she should rather be in the one in jail not her mother. Silvia asks Nava to advise his client to be careful if not they will sue her for character defamation. Christobal geos to a hotel to get some information about Simoneta but the receptionist tells him it is confidential. Valeria gets home and Candela is there waiting for her. Valeria tries to explain to her about her mother arrest but Candela interrupts her. She demands to know why she hadn’t done the ultrasound as requested by the doctor. Valeria tells she won’t do it, Candela tells her it is very important for her son. Valeria tells her that is why she doesn’t care, she doesn’t intend to have baby anymore. Humberto meets with Renato and the rest, they update him on Emmanuel case and he thanks them for their help.
Aldonza tries to explain Prudencia case to him but he tells her not to, she got what she deserves. Valeria tells Candela she doesn’t want to be a single mother, Candela assures her she is not going to be a single mother.
She will make sure Christobal marries her; Valeria tells her Christobal doesn’t love her. Severiano calls Javier to inform him he has a job for him tomorrow. Christobal informs Melesio he will go with him to San Miguel tomorrow, Mel wants to know why. Christobal tells him to look for Simoneta, he also wants to inform Lola about it. He tells him Lola isn’t home may be she went to El Santuario. Renato informs Aldonza he is going to Mexico to see his dad and attend to other business.[adinserter block=”10″] She decides to go with him and asks if she can bring Lola along. Humberto goes to police station with the intention of seeing Emmanuel but runs into Prudencia first. She sees him and start calling him name and reminds him she is jail because of his infidelity. Aldonza tells Adelina and Lola about the trip to Mexico but Lola declines her offer. She has a lot in mind with Emmanuel arrest and other stuff to attend to. Aldonza then turns to Adelina who accept to join her on the trip. Humberto visits Emmanuel in his cell, Emmanuel asks him of Valeria and Prudencia he refuses to talk about them. He asks of Lola and Humberto tells she is fine. Even though she pretends she doesn’t care about what happen to him. She is hurt inside, Emmanuel asks her about her wedding, and Humberto confirms it. He reminds Emmanuel that nobody thought he was coming back, Emmanuel sadly says. He is back but has to accept she is marrying someone else. Mari and her parent discuss about Emmanuel case at dinner.
Irma asks Mari if her law firm is defending him, she nods in agreement. Uriel suggests they go visit him to clarify what happen between them, but Mari refuses it. Candela tells Christobal she went to see Valeria, Christobal tells her if it is concerning Prudencia. She interrupts him and tells she care less about Prudencia, she asks him if he knows what Valeria is up to. Christobal tells her he it is not important to him, Candela asks him if killing his baby is not important to him. Candela tells him Valeria has no intention of keeping the baby. He instantly calls her and asks to meet. Candela gives the news to Severiano, he also informed her Christobal knows about Simoneta’s pregnancy. She reprimands him for opening his mouth but he tells her it was Lola who told him.
He reminds her that he warns her not to ask them to return home. Alonza tries to convince Lola to go visits Emmanuel in jail, but she refuses and reminds her he is getting married. Humberto goes to beg Severiano to free Emmanuel. Severiano tells him to hand over El Santuario to him and first thing tomorrow morning Emmanuel will be freed. Humberto refuses, he tells him even Emmanuel won’t accept that he sells his soul to the evil for his freedom. Christobal visits Humberto, he asks Humberto if he saw Emmanuel. Christobal tells him he doesn’t know if Valeria is trying to blackmail him, but it seem she want to abort. Humberto thanks him for informing him and assures him he won’t this happen. Aldonza informs Father Jeronimo that she is going to Mexico with Adelina and Renato.
He advises her not to play with Renato feelings because there is a big difference between love and admiration. She assures him Renato already know she is still in love with Christobal. They have both decided to take things slowly and see where it will lead them. Lola takes Solitario for a ride, they go the water fall, she sits and recalls some conversation with Emmanuel. She gets closer to water and tries to wash her face but sees her mother’s image in the water. She gets scare and leave, Prudencia barges into Valeria’s room and reprimands her for not visiting her in jail. Lola gets back and sees Christobal, she apologies to him for taken Solitario for a ride without his permission. He asks her to relax, he hands over her mother’s house address to her. Lola tells him Aldonza is going to Mexico with Renato.