Unforgivable Episode 43

Unforgivable Episode 43

Martin points his blade towards her neck through the first button of her blouse. then pulls the blade out to expose her cleavage. she allowed him to get closer and try to kiss her. then quickly pushes him and run for her sword and starts attacking him with all her strength. she eventually managed to overpower him. Martin is now on his knee with Veronica sword pointing at his throat. Emiliano praises Claudia for her performance. he tries to explain to her what happen between him and Virginia. he confesses to her that he feels guilty for what happen. she asks him not to and tells him Virginia is in love with him. she took advantage of his situation to seduce him and get him to bed and assures him. Virginia knew very well what she was up to. he tells her it was her first time but Claudia doesn’t believe him. Martin tells his wife he intentionally allowed her to win. Emiliano explains to Claudia that Virginia never had sex before of her heart condition. Pablo tries to convince Ana Perla to take advantage of Cresencio’s absent and run away with him but she refuses. she loves him but she wants to get her grandfather blessing. she doesn’t want their action to put Julio and Tomasina in trouble. Martin brings water to his wife. he caresses her hands and tries to convince her not to end their marriage, and put the blame on Emiliano’s arrival. she tells him this time it is Emiliano.
the other time it was Demetrio or Pierre. she wonders who is going to be the next time. Martin tells her she is right, but he doesn’t think the best solution is to divorce. Julio interrupts Pablo and Ana Perla and warn them that Manuel is coming. Martin reminds Veronica of how beautiful their love is. he promises to build her a house, and they will soon be partner in the mine too. she then offers the money to him again. Julio and Ana Perla run home but they see Manuel and they hide. drunk Manuel notices them but because he is drunk no one believe him. Martin tells Veronica what he needs the most is for them to be together again. Veronica tells him she is offering the money again not to prove that she loves him but she wants the miners to get paid and goes inside. Medel also sees Julio and Ana Perla and convince Manuel that he is dreaming but Manuel insists he saw his sister. Pablo shows up and Manuel attack him. Ana Perla and Julio take advantage of the situation and run. Veronica gives the check to Martin. he tries to convince her once more but she asks him not to insists. if not she will go to Magdalena’s place. she goes in the bedroom and lock the door. Julio takes Ana Perla home and rushes back to meet Manuel and Pablo.
[adinserter block=”10″]Martin looks at his wedding ring and wonders what he has to do to get his wife back. Veronica on the other hand takes the gold Martin gave her and cry more. “Como perdonar” by Ana Brendra sing at the background. The next morning, Martin takes his shower with his towel still wrapped around his waist. he knocks at the door but no response. he reluctantly opens the door and notices Veronica isn’t there. he goes to the hall and sees the piece of gold he gave her on an envelope on the table. he opens and reads it, it is a goodbye note. she returned the piece of gold to him because he could not keep his promise of trusting her. Veronica explains to the children in school that Daniel is here to administer Vaccines to them. Polo wants his dog to get vaccine but Daniel tells him dogs have their special vaccines. Polo gets the first shot, Blanquita approaches Veronica to talk to her About Ana Perla. Cresencio has finally agree to have the surgery. he first he wants to make some changes in his will in case he doesn’t make it out of the surgery. Manuel had the store room door repair and informs Ana Perla is locking her up. Julio tells him Cresencio will not like the idea and he could die when he finds out. Manuel tells them if that happen it is because it is time for him to die, and orders Ana Perla to go inside the storeroom. Daniel asks Veronica if she is doing ok.
she said yes, he asks her how are things with Martin. Virginia told him she got into a fight with Martin because of Emiliano. he thinks if he had stayed all this won’t happen. he again ask her if they are doing ok. Martin goes to Magdalena’s place thinking his wife will be there but she isn’t. she tells him Veronica is in the school and decides to chit chat with him. he informs her about Veronica intention to divorce him. he doesn’t want to go to the city at this moment but if doesn’t go he will lose his mine. Magdalena advises him to go. Martin asks her to look after Veronica for him, Virginia visits Demetrio’s grave. Nancyiaga hides and listen to her. as she confesses to him that he is the love of her life. she cries and blame him for his cowardice then admits things did not go as she expected. she thought it would have been easy for her to have Emiliano when she heard he was coming back home. but he fell in love with Veronica who is now enjoying his gold. she will never forgive him for committing suicide, and claim they could have been happy. Nancyiaga could not hear what Virginia was saying. but from her body language, Nancyiaga confirms that Virginia was indeed Demetrio’s lover. since she wants Martin for herself she won’t tell him the truth.
Virginia walks away from the grave, then turns again to face it. she angrily tells him she won’t chose the easy way out, like he did. instead, she will win over Emiliano’s love. take control over his fortune, then send him to hell with his parent. she will find a man who is worthy of her not even the stupid Daniel. Cresencio hands over a letter to Botel to be given to Ana Perla. in case he doesn’t make it out of surgery. Emiliano runs into Nancyiaga and asks her about his request to study her tribe. she agrees to take him because Martin is out of town. she has no intention of returning to the house while he is away. Virginia joins them and decide to go along with them but Nancyiaga refuses. Joaquin informs Manuel that Veronica is here to see him but he refuses to see her. she then comes inside and demand he releases Ana Perla. she threatens to report him to the police for kidnapping Ana Perla. Manuel denies it and tells Joaquin his children have been spreading bad news about him. Veronica tells him no one has seen Ana Perla in the street for a couple of days now. he tells her she is home under Cresencio’s orders. she tells him she will go there and see it for herself and reminds him of their agreement. Martin goes to waterfall and remember all his good time with Veronica. Veronica also is all alone in the house having the same thought as her husband.