The Tempest Ep. 053

Rebeca tells hernan if he is ready to let marina go when the man she loves will be set free, and hernan tells her, he will, but for the moment damian Is guilty, beatriz tells him that she is sure that damian is innocent but she cannot forgive him for having hurt her daughter. Rebeca tells her that sometimes there are situations that force to act in an unexpected way, marina tells her to give her a reason but beatriz tells them that this is not the moment to talk about damian, rebeca responds that she is right. Mercedes tells jacobo that he has to take damian out of prison and force the owner of the sail ship to tell the truth but he must be careful with the town chief because he will do anything to hinder his work, his name is fulgencio salazar.

Dragon provokes damian once again and they start quarreling. Toribio tells delfina and fulgencio that he found mayuya dead, that it seems that she stumble and when she fell down she hit her head with a stone, delfina is anguished and fulgencio pretends to be consternated. Magdalena suffers a crisis due to the lack of alcohol and threatens to kill herself if they don’t give her what she wants, mercedes tries to make her understand that her alcoholism is damaging her. Hernan tells fulgencio that mercedes hired a lawyer to set damian free, so he has to disappear the owner of the sail boat, fulgencio tells him that he will send valdivia and lara to give him a warning and then he will go to mexico city to hire a lawyer to ruin damian.

Valdivia tells fulgencio that the owner of the sail boat sold his business and he left town with his family. Rebeca tells marina that she is sure that damian had his reasons to make her believe that he does not love her and is she has decided to accept hernan, she must think it over very well and she better not do something she may regret later. Usebia tells marina that even she tries to pretend, she knows that she is very sad, marina responds that she hopes that sadness will disappear when her wounds may heal and eusebia tells her that they will not heal, escaping from her feelings and making any decision because she gave her heart to damian and she will never be able to give it to anyone else.

Mercedes finally takes magdalena to a rehabilitation center. Delfina complaints that fulgencio never supports her, ursula tells her that she has her own fortune so she must leave him, delfina tells her that she will never do that because a wife must be with her husband and besides her fortune belongs to fulgencio now. Fulgencio warns mercedes that he will not allow damian leave the prison, unless she asks him to forgive her and accepts him, he kisses her and mercedes furious slaps him and she tells him that she will never accept a relationship with him even he was the last man on earth, the only thing she feels for him is disgust and despise.

Jacobo tells mercedes that he found the owner of the vessel but he does not want to declare because they threatened him and he wants to go back to his country, mercedes tells him to give him all the support he needs but he must give him a written testimony to help damian.